Biden said family didn’t get money from China, but Hunter got payments sent to his door – IOTW Report

Biden said family didn’t get money from China, but Hunter got payments sent to his door

JTN: President Joe Biden claimed his family did not make any money in China, but first son Hunter Biden listed his father’s Delaware home as the beneficiary address for two 2019 bank wires of Chinese origin, House Republicans revealed after obtaining transfer records.

The House Oversight Committee obtained the financial records via subpoena, which show that the younger Biden received two wires from China in the amounts of $250,000 and $10,000 in 2019. At least one payment came from longtime associate Jonathan Li.

“Bank records don’t lie but President Joe Biden does,” Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said in a press release. “In 2020, Joe Biden told Americans that his family never received money from China. We’ve already proved that to be a lie earlier this year, and now we know that two wires originating from Beijing listed Joe Biden’s Wilmington home as the beneficiary address when he was running for President of the United States.” MORE

7 Comments on Biden said family didn’t get money from China, but Hunter got payments sent to his door

  1. From the article: “What did the Biden family do with the money from Beijing?”

    Wrong question! What did the Biden family do FOR the money from Beijing?

    And since the congress avers that Joe Biden, then-candidate for this country’s highest office, was a shill for a foreign, communist country and lied about it, would that not be reason enough to declare his so-called presidential win null and void? Are there no limits now to indisputably traitorous actions by those who hold public office?

  2. Without the Republican establishment running cover this shit wouldn’t be happening. It’s a racket and they are up to their eyeballs in it as well. If they weren’t in on it they would do more than run their big fat blow holes.

  3. Down & out in New York. Lost all his business licenses, 10. First he lost the right to run charities because of fraud. Now the right to run any type of business because of fraud. Never learn. He claimed he used a disclaimer, the judge said that was fraud. Come Oct 2nd, his court date, he could lose up to 250 million for a lifetime of committing fraud.


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