Biden Simply Walks Away From Questions About His Son’s Corruption – IOTW Report

Biden Simply Walks Away From Questions About His Son’s Corruption


The Democrat nominee, who has long struggled to explain his son’s overseas business deals, was asked about the story during a campaign swing through North Carolina on Sunday. Biden, in particular, was asked by a reporter if he had any comment about revelations that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had seized Hunter’s laptop last year via subpoena. More

26 Comments on Biden Simply Walks Away From Questions About His Son’s Corruption

  1. Really, what could senile Joe do? I’d walk away too, but I would resign from the election as well because Trump has me by the balls. This is delicious! Best October surprise ever!

  2. This morning, CNN has zilch on the Biden family corruption.

    But they did have a story on this: “Fans are torn over the color of Billie Eilish’s shoes”.

    That’s big news at CNN.

  3. That question will put an end to all of the Biden campaign’s public events through election day. Obama and KaMalarkey may as well make other plans for the next 2 weeks.

  4. Even if Ole Slow Joe dropped stone dead President Trump wouldn’t run unopposed.
    He’d be opposed by Wall Street, Madison Avenue, Academia, Hollyweird, the CIA, the FBI, the DIA, the NSA, the Demonrats, the Nihilists, the Totalitarians, the Nazis, the Socialists, the Communists, the Russians, the Chinese, the izlamists, the Jihadis, La Raza, BLM, ANTIFA, CAIR, White Supremacists, Black Supremacists, Brown Pampers, the KKK, the NAACP, the NAA, AFT, NEA, IBEW, AFL-CIO, Teamsters, CWA, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSLSD, CNN, CPUSA, ANP, and every other anti-American anti-Liberty anti-Freedom group out there.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Worst candidate I’ve ever seen.

    Hands down. Can’t even muster a how dare you.

    I’m still having a hard time believing the dems actually went ahead with him. They must have something monstrous planned.

  6. And isn’t it special that the biased debate commission has dropped all plans to do any questions on foreign policy.

    Trump has been nominated four times for the Nobel Peace Prize, and Biden has spent decades accepting bribes to sell out America.

  7. Come on, man. Didn’t you see the hard hitting question he answered before the question about Crackhead Hunter’s laptop? A reporter asked what flavor of shakes he and his date,, granddaughter bought. One chocolate, one vanilla. That’s an impressive piece of journalism right there.

  8. his son’s corruption?!
    biteme was the point man getting his cut on every single transaction
    plus every single swamprat knew what was going on, covered it up, and pushed this shit sandwich
    and NOT ONE demonrat is calling for biteme to step aside

  9. MMinAR

    “ I’m still having a hard time believing the dems actually went ahead with him. They must have something monstrous planned.”

    The plan is to get the progressive Harris into the White House. They know someone like her who is that left and progressive could never get voted in. So they’re going to slide her in through the back door so they can push their agenda. Once again, I will get where she gets on the back of a man. Disgusting

  10. Americans should demand legislation that prevents ‘journalists’ from ever receiving Unemployment Benefits.
    Today more than ever, it’s most obvious they have never done the job.

    Unless Slow Joe walks off the planet, this most relevant question should hound him every instant he shows his face anywhere.

  11. Fed-Up

    If they wanted a Progressive, why not Sanders? He’s the real deal, would have rallies that would equal Trumps and he can string sentences together. Believe me, the leftie sites I read love him.

    Harris is a turn off. She didn’t even get 2% from her own party before she dropped out. She’s a shrill lifeless campaigner. I think Joe backed himself into a corner with the woman promise and the pickings were slim.


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