Biden Staggers into Press Conference – IOTW Report

Biden Staggers into Press Conference

Red State

Then during his presser Friday on the release of some of the Israeli hostages, Biden seemed to have no idea what was going on with the American hostages who are still being held. He said he believed that Hamas attacked Israel because he was about to build a railroad and bring about peace with Saudi Arabia. He also claimed credit for the deal taking place. But given Biden’s general puffery, I wouldn’t bet on the truthfulness of his claim. It’s great that some got out, but I seriously doubt that he had any truly significant role. 

After the press conference, some on the X platform began asking questions about Biden’s condition and how he came into the press conference. 

Some of those questions didn’t hold back and were blunt. More

38 Comments on Biden Staggers into Press Conference

  1. Oh please! Lets be real. His competition forgets what state he is or who the current President is. 3 years age difference is null & void. In other terms, you have absolutely nothing nor bring a viable claim to the table. Except corruption & you lose on that, bigly time.

  2. You can keep throwing shade, propaganda boy(?) but you’re on a site where exactly none of the lies and cover you bring are going to change anyone’s mind. Futile pursuit.

  3. Everyting, his WHOLE daddy bail me out is where it began. Soon they will end his pitiful life as a wannabe billionaire, all gone, goodbye, but there is always Forbes wannabe a billionaire list.

  4. Anonymous

    Really? That’s what you come back with. You’re a CNN zombie and there’s no hope for your dumb ass. I said be specific and you couldn’t. And there’s a reason for that. The people that have been polluting your little mind are lying to to you.

  5. Anonymous is one (10-20?) dumb POS. All I know is that I would rather have a President that gave up a life of luxury in order to serve the country he loves, rather than to have a president that would screw the the country in order to live a life of luxury.

  6. Anonymous Hilarious. Actually Obama played more. Just much worse. And your current zombie has set a record for most time out of the White House and on vacation in a home he paid for with extorted money from China and Ukraine. And you’re OK with that?

  7. “He has gait problems, in addition to his incoherence and deterioration. I’m not sure that it matters what name you put on it at this point–except to say that he has continuing problems.”

    Nerosyphilis due to not treating the results of his many, many perversions. See “Tabes dorsalis” below in particular, but note how it all fits;

    “Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that spreads through direct contact with syphilis sores. People have known about and studied this disease since at least the early 16th century. It’s treatable and relatively simple to prevent. There was a major increase in syphilis cases during the 2000s, especially among women ages 20 to 24 and men ages 35 to 39.

    If syphilis goes untreated, the affected person is at risk of developing neurosyphilis. This is an infection of the nervous system, specifically of the brain and the spinal cord. Neurosyphilis is a life-threatening disease.

    Neurosyphilis causes and risk factors
    Treponema pallidum is the bacterium that causes syphilis and, subsequently, neurosyphilis. Neurosyphilis tends to develop about 10 to 20 years after the initial infection with the bacterium. Having HIV and untreated syphilis are major risk factors for neurosyphilis.

    Types of neurosyphilis
    There are five different forms of neurosyphilis.

    Asymptomatic neurosyphilis
    This is the most common type of neurosyphilis. It usually occurs before the symptoms from syphilis become visible. In this form of neurosyphilis, you won’t feel sick or experience any signs of neurologic disease.

    Meningeal neurosyphilis
    This form of the disease usually shows up anywhere from a few weeks to a few years after a person contracts syphilis. Symptoms include:

    a stiff neck
    a headache
    It may also cause a loss of hearing or vision.

    Meningovascular neurosyphilis
    This is a more serious form of meningeal neurosyphilis. In this case, you would also have had at least one stroke.

    About 10 to 12 percent of those with neurosyphilis develop this form. A stroke may occur in the first few months following a syphilis infection, or it may happen a few years after infection.

    General paresis
    This form can appear decades after you’re infected with syphilis, and it can cause lasting issues. However, it’s fairly rare today because of advances in the screening, treatment, and prevention of STIs.

    If it develops, general paresis may lead to several health problems, including:

    mood swings
    emotional troubles
    personality changes
    weakened muscles
    a loss of the ability to utilize language
    It can also progress to dementia.

    Tabes dorsalis
    This form of neurosyphilis is also rare. It can start to affect the spinal cord 20 years or more after the initial syphilis infection. Its symptoms include:

    trouble balancing
    a loss of coordination
    an altered walk
    vision problems
    pains in the abdomen, arms, and legs”

  8. Anonymouses, whoever you are, I for one read most all of SNS’s comments. I can’t say I see them all, but he’s generally really well thought out with the message he’s trying to present. I like him. It’s likely a lib can’t take his message, it’s like a vampire being exposed to sunlight.

  9. I’m a bit surprised they let him out there. Is the Adderall not working any more?
    Are they getting ready to announce he won’t run because of a “sudden” health issue or waiting to make their final choice to push on their sheep…I mean voters?

  10. IOTW critters, Anonymous is just an Alphabet troll whose sole function is to elicit self entrapment with his juvenile imbecilic comments.

    We are all under surveillance by these cowardly pussies, best you not acknowledge the pedophile worshiping pansy ass trolls in the basements of the Alphabet agencies.


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