Biden tells the Pope… – IOTW Report

Biden tells the Pope…

Biden handed something to the Pope and then said something stupid.

24 Comments on Biden tells the Pope…

  1. I don’t care if they both ARE fake, that was embarrassing! Biteme has taken the Oblowme embarrassment baton and set a new world record before even finishing his first leg of his race to the bottom.

    And did you notice, he just HAD to make it about his son. It’s ALL he has – begging for fake pity.

  2. I’m just going to drop this here FWIW since we’re on the subject of Biden’s dead son.

    Biden had his battered wife and his sexually abused daughter killed because the wife was going to go public about everything. Biden had been abusing the daughter since she was 5 years old and the wife finally found out. He had to protect his political career, and knew the death of wife and daughter would be good publicity anyway. It was just a twist of fate the son survived.

    His story about a drunk driver killing them is pure Biden Bs

  3. Where is my 5th grade nun, Sister Marie Basil when you really need her. That old bat would have broken every knuckle on both of these miscreants hands

    They never would have made it out of her Catechism class alive


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