Biden to Skate on Mishandling Classified Documents – IOTW Report

Biden to Skate on Mishandling Classified Documents


But while The Wall Street Journal and CNN reported that the results of the investigation are expected to be critical of Biden and his staff for the way they handled the materials, sources told the publication he won’t face charges.

Newsweek contacted the White House and [Special counsel Robert] Hur’s office by email for comment. More

15 Comments on Biden to Skate on Mishandling Classified Documents

  1. This (points to face) is my shocked face. Despite the fact that Biden had classified documents from his time as a senator, and as a vice president, when he did not have the authority to declassify documents, he is going to skate.

    Tell me again how no one is above the law?

  2. Where are the conservative attorneys general??? Is this a banana rep…..
    never mind…

  3. UNIPARTY has had power for 63 years because it protects its own! Has done so WELL! Did GWB’s liberal Lois L. go to jail ? Hell no! Lefty Trey 3 (three) times stopped the House from arresting her! UNIPARTY protects the left – NO MATTER THE LETTER AFTER THE LEFTIST’S NAME~ GWB ?R? ???!@#$%^&*!?

  4. I watched Robert Hur’s press conference. How he could stand up there, knowing that this was so obvious, and continue this charade is a real credit to his lack of character and absence of a fucking back bone.

  5. The “law” is a cudgel – a means of oppression. It was never intended to be uniformly administered. All the blathering bullshit about the “majesty” of the “law” is the blathering bullshit of lawyers – never those who suffer from the misapplication of the “law” (see Derek Chauvin, for example).

    Just as the Clintons have been given passes in corruption, murder, extortion, drug-running, and rape – so the Bidens are entitled to the same. And the same rules apply down the chain until some level is reached where protection no longer applies (see: Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, for instances) or someone becomes necessarily expendable.

    Joe Biden, though a well-known corrupt old Traitor, is being protected (I’m guessing) to protect other corrupt Traitors (Obola, Wray, Comey, Garland, &c.).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. As I’ve noted before, they don’t even try to hide it anymore. They WANT us to know there are two systems of Justice in the country. One for the elite and one for the rest of us. All designed to break our spirit, and give up.

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