From Day One, every action I’ve taken to rebuild our economy has been guided by one principle: Make it in America.
— President Biden (@POTUS) January 30, 2022
Now, we’re seeing the results: The fastest economic growth in four decades – and the strongest year of job growth in American history.
16 Comments on Biden Toots His Own Horn – Why Isn’t It Flagged For Misinformation?
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Dude has been hitting his son’s stash box.
Every single statement in that tweet was a lie.
Not that Twitter will ban him.
Does anyone else care less what that maroon says, tweets, or farts? Not I.
I dunno’, if I were him I would have touted my stunning progress in race relations…..maybe
I guess that would have paled in comparison to his historic foreign relation successes.
If it was all about Make It In America, what are all those fucking tankers trying to deliver?
$1,000,000,000,000 = $10¹² trade imbalance for the first time under Joe Biden.
Keep smokin’ Hunter’s crack, Joe.
@General Malaise — I do believe Joey’s long ago finished off Hunter’s crack, and his parmesan, and is now smoking the cockroach eggs in the bottom of the stash box.
Joe is the hottest thing since sliced bread, no malarkey!
You’re right, Uncle Al. Joe’s got 12th POWER DEBT! For that he’s got to be smokin’ the really bad stuff. Hillary’s dirty panties.
(That last bit is for Raymond Burr.)
Raymond Burr smoked Hillary’s dirty panties?
thought R. Burr was a homosexual
Statistics can tell any story you want them to tell. For example:
Last year, I had 0 cases of COVID. This year, I had 1 case of COVID. Statistically speaking, the number of cases of COVID I have had has increased infinity percent in one year.
Wonder who wrote that for him? The only thing brain dead Joe knows is 3:00 is pudding time. He likes the chocolate.
Yet those emergency Covid test kits that the government is mailing supposedly were made in China. Guess that detail kind of slipped by him.
Read further down that page to see the BULL$HIT multiply.
Because he does not have the misinformation platform of the “Former Guy”. Over 30,000 times the Former Guy was quoted saying outright lies or misformation. Was the Former Guy silenced while holding office, no. Neither will the current President.
Because 81 million voters believe it.