Biden’s Biggest Screwups Of 2022 That Prove He Has Mental Problems – IOTW Report

Biden’s Biggest Screwups Of 2022 That Prove He Has Mental Problems

Anyone who thinks the Democrats didn’t want a demented, mental patient in the White House is living in a fantasy world.

This is exactly what they wanted.

9 Comments on Biden’s Biggest Screwups Of 2022 That Prove He Has Mental Problems

  1. Like democRATz didn’t know what he was… he’s only been a grinning imbecile and a lying, cheating, morally bankrupt gaping asshole for his entire career. They used him and the Green New Deal as the perfect smoke screen to loot the treasury like an inner-city CVS and every single one of these lock-step democRATz are just as complicit and guilty as he is!

  2. The demoncraps wanted a president in the Oval Office who couldn’t even wipe his own ass. Those who can’t wipe their own ass are the easiest to manipulate. “Sign this or you’re gonna itch for a week.”

  3. Yep you sure got us on this one. We could of had a so-called successful businessman who lost more than he made, well at least according to his tax returns. Or did he?
    The consensus is he wasn’t so truthful as to spreading the fudge far & wide. An honest man over a fudger? You got that right.

  4. Biden has been a leach & a denser than hammered shit his entire life. He should have(I know)been run out of office after the debacle of 1988. Yet, the morons from Delaware kept sending him back for some unfathomable reason. Now, here we are today with a dementia ridden pedophile running the country off a cliff because Orange Man Bad. Joe Biden, in his infinite wisdom, is going to save us from ourselves. See how well having him in charge is helping us?

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