Biden’s Body Language Screams “He’s Cheating” During Debate – IOTW Report

Biden’s Body Language Screams “He’s Cheating” During Debate

Our favorite body language expert gives a professional assessment of whether Joe Biden was being given electronic assistance during the debate. Conclusion, the blank, confused look on his face when both Wallace and the President are engaging at the same time gives the game away. Watch

14 Comments on Biden’s Body Language Screams “He’s Cheating” During Debate

  1. I’m thinking that’s why Trump was so aggressive. His team knew Biden was wired. Trump rode him like a carnival ride most of the debate. Biden couldn’t hear the guy in his ear.

  2. Obiden Bama couldn’t have reeled off those Coronavirus numbers with out help from someone else. Surely there are people around who can prove that this is a rigged game. Get them to help expose this, and save our country from Dementia Joe’s empty vessel being filled by Kalamity Harris and her ilk.

  3. Cheat is all they know how to do. It would have been more of a circus if the Trump Camp was able to jam the frequency JB headphone was on. He would have needed an electronic time out to fix malfunction issues.

  4. Isn’t there a way to infiltrate the transmission… like a scanner? That would be hilarious if it was broadcasted so you could hear the voice telling Biden what to say. Maybe a walkie talkie? There has to be something.

  5. I want to know something.

    Joe Biden is 6′ tall.

    President Trump is 6’3″ tall, and a lot heftier.

    How is it that in all the side-by-side debate pics, Biden appears to be the same height as Trump and even his head is larger?


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