Bidens Holding a “Family Meeting” Today – IOTW Report

Bidens Holding a “Family Meeting” Today

PJ Media

Mere days after his disastrous debate performance sent Democrats into a widespread panic, it is now being reported that Joe Biden plans to discuss the future of his re-election campaign with his family on Sunday.

According to a report from NBC News, Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are scheduled to meet their children and grandchildren at Camp David late Saturday. Allegedly, this trip was planned before the debate. More

36 Comments on Bidens Holding a “Family Meeting” Today

  1. “A source close to the situation said that Biden will ultimately heed advice from only one person: his wife.”

    Well, then he’s running. That bitch can’t get enough of the power.

  2. If Joe was an honest, good guy, with the best of intentions for our country I’d be sympathetic. But that is not the case. Fuck Joe Biden and his entire family of grifters!

  3. Do I ger to shower wit the girls? mostovem are too old,, but I cwn mitend!

    Do yoy know Beau died at Canp Mavid? H3 was fifhting MAGA nazis at Ganistan in 1776 an fell wenna lazers hitem. My Cprvette goes VROOM, no jpke!

  4. @Cmn¢¢guy
    You got that right. The only way to get him off the 3 to 5 states ballot is his death or a successful Article 25 prior to the convention. If that happens the Dims “democracy” becomes a farce.

  5. I can’t shake the sense that this has all been another convoluted set-up by the globalists via oblowme & co. Maybe I’m giving them way too much credit, but nothing they do seems to have actually “just happened”. And we all know — or it seems incredibly plausible — that they knew they were sending that broken down man into the ring, on live tee vee, and in front of all those voters who, otherwise, were clueless about the state of his mind.

    I about gagged when I heard Van Jones repeat “I love the guy, but..” Rehearsed, rehearsed, rehearsed.

    So, what’s up their sleeves for the cheat? Or are they well and truly screwed on that, now?

    I pray daily that POTUS Trump is surrounded by competent, loyal body guards.

  6. Cmn¢¢guy
    SUNDAY, 30 JUNE 2024, 18:22 AT 6:22 PM
    “They have already missed the deadline to change the ballot in many of their main cheat states.
    Unless they cheat some more.”


    Where WE’RE going, we don’ NEED … laws.

    *pulls down aviator sunglasses*

  7. “I pray daily that POTUS Trump is surrounded by competent, loyal body guards”

    I have reason, good reason, to believe he does. Trained by the United States Navy.

  8. AA, I also pray that God has sent Donald Trump some of his biggest guardian angels to surround and protect him as well. Angels are a far better deterrent than even the best secret Service agents and bodyguards. May God keep Donald Trump in the palm of his hands and the shadow of his wings and remove all grace from biden.

  9. “Anyone who doesn’t understand how deeply personal and familial this decision will be isn’t knowledgeable about the situation.” Is that code for “Jill will make the decision so just shut up!”?

  10. Will there be lawyers? It won’t be a Biden family meeting without lawyers. No doubt Jill will have hers.

    And the CIA probably had that place bugged to the rafters by Friday afternoon.

  11. Apparently they may not be discussing Joek’s future today, as they spent most of it posing for Annie Liebowitz:

    I saw something on X a little while ago, that Biden’s team has been around him for more than 40 years, the ‘newcomers’ have been there more than 20 years. This is a relatively large group of people who are absolutely entrenched with Biden. And if he goes, they all go – and guess what, they aren’t ready to go.
    I really don’t see Biden dropping out. I really don’t see Kamala doing the 25th Amendment thing. They know they are totally screwed, and should have done something about it a year ago, but it’s too late. Only Dominion can save them now.

  12. “I really don’t see Biden dropping out. I really don’t see Kamala doing the 25th Amendment thing. They know they are totally screwed, and should have done something about it a year ago, but it’s too late. Only Dominion can save them now.”

    kAMI hasn’t been invited to any of the top secret decoder ring meetings. It’s being reported she’s pissed as all hell. She would need to invoke the 25th through Congress I believe. They will tell her go set your DEI hire ass down and shut up. Interesting power struggle going on. BoRock still wants to serve his 4th term but realizes Joe is a puppet that’s about to implode. What to do what to do. If they stopped giving old Joe his meds the problem may solve itself. I’m reading July 7th all bets are off. Unless he meets his expiration date it’s a done deal and he’s running. The bad guys have their ass in a jam. If old Joe expires soon they will expose themselves. If Trump suddenly expires they expose themselves. The shadow government is getting backed into a corner. The only way out maybe thermal nuclear war with Russia. STrange times.

  13. Looking around outside the box…how’s this for REALLY outside:

    The DNC declares that Joey simply can’t continue with his campaign. And given that it is far too late for anyone else to step forward with any chance at all of beating Orange Man, the Dems simply will not have a candidate in the race. All of the younger up-and-comers will have four years to get ready for the 2028 election, and none of them will have to self-destruct unnecessarily by running hopelessly against the Bad Man.

    But, fellow Democrats, we will continue to do everything in our power to stop Trump from implementing the horrid programs he’s been threatening Our Democracy with. All Democrats simply must go to the polls and vote because we simply MUST MUST MUST control both the House and Senate for the next four years, and as many State offices as possible, too.

    If you think The Resistance was strong in 2016-2020, you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’ll stop Orange Man and his Nazi, Fascist cronies dead in their tracks. But to do that we must have the House and Senate.

  14. ^^^^
    That’s spot on Unky Al. One thing to question. How intelligent are they? My personal opinion is not very. What’s currently taking place is not just happening in America. Check out France. Check out the UK. Check out some of South America. There’s a western America awakening taking place against the people that currently wield the sword. Not for much longer. Oh and Canada says they’re tapping out too. But America is still armed. I’ll stop there.

  15. Brad, interesting comment about Joe’s meds, I’m wondering if his ‘staff’ slipped him a mickey instead of his usual juice before the debate. Right now it seems even the most paranoid conspiracy theories might be right. Truth is stranger than fiction.

  16. “I’m wondering if his ‘staff’ slipped him a mickey instead of his usual juice before the debate”

    That’s an interesting comment in itself. The sad thing is guys like you and I are powerless in this shit show as they try and destroy our once great country. We wouldn’t even know whom to shoot first. As WRSA use to say, start local.


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