Biden’s Letter of Rec for Chinese Business Partner’s Son Is Tip of the Iceberg – IOTW Report

Biden’s Letter of Rec for Chinese Business Partner’s Son Is Tip of the Iceberg

Fox News

 President Biden, in 2017, wrote a college recommendation letter for the son of a Chinese executive who did business with Hunter Biden, according to emails reviewed by Fox News Digital.

The president has repeatedly denied discussing Hunter’s business ventures with his son. 

Fox News Digital obtained emails between Hunter Biden and his business associates involved in his firm Rosemont Seneca’s joint venture with Chinese investment firms Bohai Capital and BHR. More

Illegal, no, but yet another example of elite capture by China. If you’re interested in more observations of the insidious effect the CCP has had on our country in general and the Biden family in particular, watch this edited interview with Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy on China Unscripted. In the full interview Gaffney explains how the money that flowed through Hunter may have actually been a payment for services already rendered by Joe Biden rather than a bribe for future favors. Starts at the 21:00 minute mark. Here – Dr. Tar

6 Comments on Biden’s Letter of Rec for Chinese Business Partner’s Son Is Tip of the Iceberg

  1. I recall Trump being impeached on fabricated evidence not once but twice.

    Where is Adam Shift & Nancy Pelosi? If that laptop belonged to one of Trump’s kids.. …. ….why should I even bother to finish that sentence. Everyone here already knows the score and a libtard is too stupid or too corrupt to care.

  2. Chinese are stupid here. Why not just donate a few million to the progressive university of your choice? Not only would the college admit him, they’d buy him beer and show him where all the sensitive research was taking place on campus

  3. That should be Obama banging the gong.

    Our next three Presidents will probably be appointed, not elected. This administration is a house of cards, and not even the deep state knows what to do with the mess they’ve created.

  4. Again… apologies to Mr. Montoya…

    @Thirdtwin April 6, 2022 at 3:16 pm

    > Our next three Presidents

    “Our”. I do not think know that word does not mean, what you think it means.


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