Biden’s Meeting With Jacob Blake Sr. Should Be Interesting – IOTW Report

Biden’s Meeting With Jacob Blake Sr. Should Be Interesting


Jacob Blake Sr., the father of the man shot Aug. 23 by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, appears to have a long history of racist, antisemitic, and anti-Christian posts on Facebook. He is set to meet with Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden on Thursday. More

19 Comments on Biden’s Meeting With Jacob Blake Sr. Should Be Interesting

  1. Isn’t that precious.

    Is this the guy who fought with police, tried to reach for a weapon into the vehicle occupied by three children?

    He’s the father of the rapist / car thief. – Dr. Tar

  2. …it’s more like a reunion for Biden.

    …Jacob Blake Sr. is, in fact, the man, the legend, the one and only Corn Pop.

    …that’s why they sound so much the same, they grew up together, swam together, fought against each other, Joe let him feel his leg hair a time or two…now, here they are, together again, and I’ll bet Joe can REALLY expand on that dissertation on Brussels Sprouts that Corn Pop did the other day, with one key point he’ll tell Jacob being that it’s Trump’s’ fault that Brussels Sprouts make Black people fart…

  3. Watching a short video of JB Sr. he impressed me as someone who has the attitude “I’ve been a victim of society all my life” from the center of his bone marrow outward, and it would be impossible to have a rational conversation with him. But I guess the evil tv network edited & manipulated the video to make him look bad, and he’s really a great reasonable guy. The Joe Biden and JB Sr. meeting ought to be entertaining.

  4. A demented cracker politician, an antisemitic racist convict father, and the main street media enter a bar…….

    No, I haven’t heard that one, but I did hear about Nutsie Pelosi mistaking the sign on the beauty parlor.
    She thought it said “Saloon”

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