Dems Cut Biden’s Live Feed Before Peter Doocy Exposes Him As A Fabricator – IOTW Report

Dems Cut Biden’s Live Feed Before Peter Doocy Exposes Him As A Fabricator

Gateway Pundit

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy on Wednesday forced Joe Biden to admit he did not warn President Trump about what had to be done to combat Covid in January.

Biden was about to leave his campaign event on Wednesday when Peter Doocy shouted a question at him…

…Biden has repeatedly lied about being the first to warn about Covid back in January of this year and Doocy called him out on that lie on Wednesday.

Peter Doocy asked Biden why he was holding crowded campaign rallies in March if he thought Covid was so dangerous in January. More

10 Comments on Dems Cut Biden’s Live Feed Before Peter Doocy Exposes Him As A Fabricator

  1. Oooh those pesky questions. If only people would stop asking them, tripping up SloJoe like that.

    By the middle of this month, he’ll insist on wearing slippers and pajama pants out in public, because, comfy!

  2. Well he rambled(a lot) but he did circle back and kinda sorta answered the question…with bulllshit, but still, he only stumbled 8 or 10 times.

    And this is the best I’ve seen him yet, there’s simply no way in the world this guy should be president.


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