Biden’s Most Pathetic Moment – IOTW Report

Biden’s Most Pathetic Moment

I actually felt bad for him, believe it or not. But then I snapped out of it and went back to realizing he was a blowhard shithead when he was young, and he’s just an old blowhard shithead now.

26 Comments on Biden’s Most Pathetic Moment

  1. There are people who should never have picked up a golf club. Biden and Obama are two of them.

    There are people who should never have gotten on a bicycle as an adult. Biden and Obama are two of them.

  2. I could say plenty but most evident to me was his terrified expressions as if he could actually see the Gates of Hell opening up offstagw to swallow him.

    Watch it without sound and you see it over and over.

  3. When Biden kept rambling about carrying golf bags, and PDT said, twice, “Let’s not act like children”, while the hapless mods were belatedly trying to steer Biden back on topic, that was the defining moment for me: One vigorous adult, and one man in his second childhood.

    I don’t think PDT took much pleasure in mugging the dotard, but certainly a strong measure of vindication.

  4. Biden’s unfitness for office is blatant. He should resign or be forced out now. As in today, June 28, 2024. Kamala Harris should be sworn in as President.

    Whether she would run for election is something else for the Dems to decide, but Biden must go. Today.

  5. Kamala Harris should be sworn in as President.

    I dunno about that. I think the democRATz are anxious to eject things like Kamala and KJP who are high profile reminders of Jackass Joe!

  6. Late to the party. In the hospital last night for a colonoscopy(!!!!) this morning. That said, the most telling thing for me in the debate was the Trumpster standing up straight & tall, very relaxed & on point. On the flip side, there was the husk, standing(???)slumped over with his mouth hanging open & looking like warmed over death.


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