Biden’s Muddled and Confusing Remarks About Antifa and BLM – IOTW Report

Biden’s Muddled and Confusing Remarks About Antifa and BLM

Guest Post by Dave A.

I watched Biden’s remarks after the verdict yesterday and was particularly struck by one segment and replayed it multiple times to make sure I heard it correctly:
“I also spoke to Gianna — George’s (inaudible) — George’s young daughter, again.  When I met her last year — I’ve said this before — at George’s funeral, I told her how brave I thought she was.  And I, sort of, knelt down to hold her hand.  I said, “Daddy’s looking down on you.  He’s so proud.”  She said to me then — I’ll never forget it — “Daddy changed the world.”

Well, I told her this afternoon, “Daddy did change the world.”  Let that be his legacy: a legacy of peace, not violence — of justice. 

Peaceful expression of that legacy are inevitable and appropriate, but violent protest is not.  And there are those who will seek to exploit the raw emotions of the moment — agitators and extremists who have no interest in social justice; who seek to carry out violence, destroy property, to fan the flames of hate and division; who will do everything in their power to stop this country’s march toward racial justice.  We can’t let them succeed.”

Is he saying that ANTIFA and BLM, who have perpetrated the rioting, looting and burning, have no interest in social and racial justice? HUH? Or will the violence going forward be committed by those against racial and social justice? 
What he actually implies is that others (?white supremacists?) are instigating the violence. Incredible projection, isn’t it?
ANTIFA and BLM are exactly the ones fanning the flames of hate and division.
What are the exact definitions of social and racial justice? Of systemic racism?

I wonder what the victims of Floyd’s crimes think about his “legacy” of peace, not violence. 
Go to 7:25 of the video

Please let me know if I’m reading this wrong.

Dave A.

17 Comments on Biden’s Muddled and Confusing Remarks About Antifa and BLM

  1. After obummer missed the grand opportunity in 2008, they realize now they only have two years to crash this country into the ground. they are doing everything in their power to do it before the numb brained people in this country realize what REALY happened on Nov 6 and who these sick bastards really are.

  2. Go about your miserable lives in your burnt out and looted cities. I wasn’t involved. You did this to yourselves. I observe from afar. I no longer care about the lives you have built for yourselves.

    I’ll buy you tickets to Sudan or Somalia. African nations that will welcome you with open veins.

    Shut up.

    Get out.



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