Biden’s New Border Admission Policy Allows Haitian, Cuban Migrants To Receive Medicaid, Food Stamps, Cash Handouts – IOTW Report

Biden’s New Border Admission Policy Allows Haitian, Cuban Migrants To Receive Medicaid, Food Stamps, Cash Handouts

DC: The Biden administration’s new policy to permit migrants that would otherwise be expelled allows for Haitians and Cubans to receive an array of public benefits, according to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Haitian and Cuban migrants paroled into the U.S. can receive Medicaid, food stamps and cash benefits, according to HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). The new program uses parole authority to allow 30,000 Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Cubans and Haitians to enter the U.S. on a monthly basis if they have a sponsor.

Migrants of the aforementioned nationalities would otherwise be expelled under Title 42, the Trump-era order used to quickly expel certain migrants who cross into the U.S. illegally. The Biden administration continues to push for Title 42’s end, but Republican states have sued and the courts have been left to make a decision on the order’s fate. MORE

7 Comments on Biden’s New Border Admission Policy Allows Haitian, Cuban Migrants To Receive Medicaid, Food Stamps, Cash Handouts

  1. I think it’s much worse than that. Where I live they’re showing up in brand new 300 class Mercedes Benz. They dress just like they crossed the border, can’t speak a lick of English, but they’re in the most expensive stores around here spending money. WTF? By the way, apparently you Government Mercedes only comes in one color, black.

  2. In ME the Haitian and African illegals already get the equivalent of $65,000 yr in taxpayer funded everything. They even had the nerve to get mad the cigarettes weren’t free when they arrived.

    Like Brad said, they drive new cars, when we see them out shopping for food or clothing or what have you, their carts are piled high with more stuff than citizens. They’re rude, filthy, wear buckets of perfume to cover their dirty smell and the men block aisles and try to show American women whose boss.
    Two of them tried to force me over out of the wide front aisle in Walmart last week even though there was a good 6 or more ft. I told them they can try but I’m not moving no matter how much they try.

  3. As I recall, that famous Emma Lazarus poem specified the different levels of acceptance depending upon country of origin.
    Seriously – I get the residual Cuba thing because of our 60-year situation with their people. But apart from that, why Haitians but not Nicaraguans, etc.???

  4. The way things are now going it won’t be long until the benevolent government mogul’s add a 15% tip to your tax bill to help pay for all the foreigners they are inviting in!


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