Bidens Weakness On The Border Flipping Congressional Districts Red – IOTW Report

Bidens Weakness On The Border Flipping Congressional Districts Red


President Joe Biden’s pro-migration policy is so unpopular that it is flipping multiple congressional swing districts towards GOP candidates, according to two polls funded by the Heritage Foundation.

For example, 55 percent of swing-voting independents blame Biden for the migrant wave, 48 percent said it would make them less likely to vote for a Democrat, and 67 percent oppose the removal of the border wall, according to the two polls, each of 1,200 people. That is good news for GOP candidates because GOP voters overwhelmingly blame Biden and support the border wall. More

10 Comments on Bidens Weakness On The Border Flipping Congressional Districts Red

  1. This is why congressional Democrats are rushing to push through all of their communist agenda (court packing, voter laws). They know Biden/Harris will only be one term.

  2. The GOP needs to get better at serving its constituents. We vote for them because most of them are barely better than Dems. Which is a sad way to win, not by being better but by being slightly less worse… eg John McCain, Mitt Romney

  3. Trump slowed things down for a while, but didn’t really make any lasting changes.

    We’re still rushing down the same road Obama set us on, and we’re already almost to the same point we would be if Hillary had been elected.

    Nothing can be done about it.

  4. The only things that needs fixing are the voting systems. With voting integrity everything else will get fixed – the right people will get elected and if they don’t get things done they will be replaced. But if someone behind the scenes can continue to control the vote tally then the rest is irrelevant.


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