Biden’s Whitehouse Will Fund Wuhan in Latest Budget – “Let’s not jump to conclusions on their guilt” – IOTW Report

Biden’s Whitehouse Will Fund Wuhan in Latest Budget – “Let’s not jump to conclusions on their guilt”

This is not an “innocent until proven guilty” issue. There are no civil rights at play here.

Why is there a necessity to fund a questionable lab?

We all know the answer.


  • Shalanda Young faced questions from lawmakers about Joe Biden’s budget proposal during a Budget Committee hearing Wednesday
  • She was asked by House Budget Committee ranking member Jason Smith about federal funds going to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China 
  • Young said she would ‘never make that commitment’ to cut all future funding to the lab and urged people to wait for the outcome of Biden’s probe 
  • There are growing concerns that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan lab during research into bat coronaviruses
  • Some scientists believe the virus is a natural one that leaked accidentally – while others suggest it may have been genetically modified  
  • US gave at least $826,000 over the last 5 years to the lab for such research


16 Comments on Biden’s Whitehouse Will Fund Wuhan in Latest Budget – “Let’s not jump to conclusions on their guilt”

  1. American voters must be real a$$ holes to not be marching armed to washington to take the US back from the dangerous enemy fraud president and his private army who are killing us one by one.

  2. Well either we give Wuhan money directly or the FBI launches a ransomware attack on some “critical infrastructure” in the US who in turn wires millions of dollars to somewhere in Russia that ends up in Wuhan and Liz Warren goes on a crusade to end bitcoin because that’s the problem. Then the FBI “recovers” a portion of the money from a traceable bitcoin wallet and pats themselves on the back for a job well done while commemorating the Biden admin for increasing their budget. So for the time being, shutup and be thankful they are being somewhat truthful in where the money is going, peasant.

  3. This virus wasn’t simply leaked. It was intentionally released as a China warning to the world and to do their part in eliminating Trump and replacing him with China Joe.


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