Big As Life – IOTW Report

Big As Life

Ohio abortion provider, Preterm, has taken its pro-abortion message to the billboards around Cleveland. The attempt to normalize the practice of ending the life of the unborn has not met with positive response hoped for by the abortion server.

Reverend Franklin Graham responded on Twitter with a counter message of his own, yesterday. More

12 Comments on Big As Life

  1. “I’m proud that I’m too fucking stupid to know how to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, because 57 methods of easily accessible birth control is just not enough.”

  2. What a perfect description of selfishness. Can’t we call it what it is?

  3. How can you be grateful to have been aborted? If you never had a chance to live then you’ll never have a chance to be grateful. If anything the unborn and those who are aborted cry out for justice and God will not be mocked by these fools. I despise proaborts, every last damned one of them. You can’t argue with evil and win and anyone who thinks abortion is something to be grateful for is evil in my book.

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