Big Brother is Watching You From Space – IOTW Report

Big Brother is Watching You From Space


EarthNow is a new company looking to provide satellite imagery and live video in virtually real-time. Its unsettling pitch describes a network of satellites that can see any corner of the globe and provide live video with a latency of about a second. And a look at the startup’s top investors gives a lot of confidence that this thing is happening.

For the record, the company lists a lot of potential uses for its network, including:

Catching illegal fishing in the act, watching hurricanes and typhoons as they evolve, detecting forest fires the moment they start, watching volcanoes the instant they start to erupt, assisting the media in telling stories from around the world, tracking large whales as they migrate, helping “smart cities” become more efficient, providing on-demand data about crop health, and observing conflict zones around the world.


Tracking migrating whales??? I’m all in. Please surveil me from space… for the good of the migrating whales.

ht/ fdr in hell

23 Comments on Big Brother is Watching You From Space

  1. Here is how they will use it:
    Your Municipality will buy into the feed. Then they will generate income by discovering Primary Use (Someone living in an RV on your land) and setback violations and send the Code Enforcement Officer around to shake you down.
    That and peering at College Sorority parties.

  2. “Each satellite is equipped with an unprecedented amount of onboard processing power, including more CPU cores than all other commercial satellites combined,” the announcement says. The satellites will also do an onboard analysis of the live imagery using machine learning, but the company doesn’t go into detail about what it will analyze or why it would be necessary to dedicate that processing onboard”

    What could possibly go wrong?

  3. ” Defense network computers. New… powerful… hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination.”

  4. MJA

    Rumor has it they tried to get a shot of your ankles. Didn’t work out. Couldn’t get that fine of resolution. Hee Hee Hee. I know, I’m such an ass hole.


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