Big Browser Trying to Influence Users in Swing States – IOTW Report

Big Browser Trying to Influence Users in Swing States

Daily Caller

Our preliminary analyses [conducted by Senior Research Psychologist, Robert Epstein] of the data we have collected so far in 2022 are equally disturbing. In swing states, and especially in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Florida, we are finding a high level of liberal bias in Google search results, but not in search results on Bing (the same pattern we have found in every election since 2016). In several swing states, 92 percent of the autoplay videos being fed to YouTube users are coming from liberal news sources (YouTube is owned by Google). Unless Google backs down, it will shift hundreds of thousands of votes on Election Day itself with those brazen targeted go-vote reminders – and we will catch them doing so. More

8 Comments on Big Browser Trying to Influence Users in Swing States

  1. I’m one of those that has 50 browser tabs across 3 windows open at all times. When I turn on the computer in the morning and fire up the browser that restores all the windows and tabs, it fails to initially load adblock for the YouTube tab. So the first YouTube video I play it will start with an ad, I just reload the page and adblock starts working as normal.

    Anyway, 100% of the time. I mean it, 100% of the time, for the past several months, YouTube loads me a JB Pritzker ad. It would be impossible to find another ad that would piss me off more, first thing in the morning with my cup of coffee. How I despise that prick. Isn’t Google’s claim to fame serving up TARGETED advertisements? That would mean loading me ads for conservative candidates, they have ads too I’m pretty sure.

  2. Big tech already knows how you will vote because of your digital history. No need to rely on inaccurate polls when our digital lives tell them everything.

    If you know the margin in the swing states, you know what needs to happen at 3:00 AM.

  3. They can collude, they can cheat, ain’t gonna matter. Lucifer us going to lose bigly today.

    I live in a small Missouri town of 12k, perhaps 4,600 registered, eligible voters.

    There were 18 voting stations in my polling lication. I was 3rd in line this morning. When I left at 6:15 the place was packed. Ten more coming in the door.

    You think America is pissed? You have no idea.

    $7.35 for a box of Raisin Bran. If you vote Demonrat today you are a creature of pure evil.

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