BigOwe: Japanese man traveled to Argentina to make video on the slums….and what you think happened? – IOTW Report

BigOwe: Japanese man traveled to Argentina to make video on the slums….and what you think happened?

h/t BigOwe [Bullpen].

Japanese YouTuber goes to Argentinian slum to make “impactful video”, gets robbed instead.

SoraNews24: Quickly learns that not everywhere in the world is as safe as Japan.

As you well know, certain YouTubers and Instagram influencers will do all kinds of crazy things to get those extra views, likes, and followers. In Japan, some have gotten themselves into trouble by sleeping on a bed in the middle of a busy intersectiondestroying a traditional Japanese handicraft, or stopping women in the street to call them ugly. But none of those people got in nearly as much trouble as one Japanese YouTuber who was robbed in a South American slum.

The unidentified male YouTuber traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to make an “impactful video” about poverty, reported the Japanese Embassy in Buenos Aires. The man intended to film Buenos Aires’ Villa 31, an unincorporated poor neighborhood that’s not connected to public sewage treatment and electricity, and which is infamous for its high rates of murder, violence, and drug use. read more

11 Comments on BigOwe: Japanese man traveled to Argentina to make video on the slums….and what you think happened?

  1. A different way to look at it:

    The man lives in a country that is safe, ordered, and has very definitive values. It and Singapore are so very different from the corrupted societies that we live that he really had no idea what he was in for.

    1) It illustrates how uncivilized we still are.
    2) How weak a sheltered society can become.

    Regardless, what an idiot!

  2. Well, the joke may be on them. He could be a coronavirus carrier.

    He is fortunate to be alive. Though thieves are often reluctant to kill foreigners because it tends to trigger crackdowns, many are not bright enough to think that far ahead. Getting murdered in a South American slum over a penny is a much more frequent occurrence now with the high number of addicts running around.

    To travel to the worst slum in one of the worst cities for crime for a day trip, with everything you brought with you goes far beyond simple naivete. This guy is just plain stupid — youtube stupid. The Japanese commenters seemed to realize that.


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