Bill Clinton and all those candy stripers – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton and all those candy stripers

American Thinker: Just as Hillary Clinton sends the strongest signals yet of making another run for the White House, maybe it’s time to ask some harder questions about her hubby Bill’s rather intense friendship with the late Jeffrey Epstein.

The latest news report was a few days ago in his many trips to Epstein’s “cowboy village” and its “baby-making ranch” in New Mexico, a place with underground stripper poles and eight-person “group” showers.

But it’s certainly not the first.

Jim Hoft at GatewayPundit dug up an earlier one that came and went in the press last July, the news of Bill Clinton riding with all those underage girls dressed as candy stripers on Epstein’s private airplane known as the “Lolita Express.”

He found that investigative reporter Conchita Sarnoff discussed the matter with Shannon Bream, while another detective confirmed the matter with Jesse Watters. more here

10 Comments on Bill Clinton and all those candy stripers

  1. Never forget! Never forget who could forget the filthy, dirty, thoroughly corrupt, draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, influence pedaling thief and serial rapist who wuz convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred who has gone down in history as the Low-Life Bicycle Seat-Sniffing Trailer Park Troll that dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper! Whoda thunk that 20 years later the story of Slick Willie would get even more Vaseline greasy and sordid than it already was!!
    Never forget, and never let the public forget! There’s a whole nuther generation out there that needs to know!

  2. This is Hillary’s chance
    to be forever labeled a


    Just like William Jennings Bryan

    Remember when he was elected President ?

    Adlai Stevenson didn’t even run a third time
    although Eleanor Roosevelt wanted him to
    but that was about Catholic hatred.

    Hillary can catapult herself into
    one of the most exclusive clubs around
    merely by exposing herself to another
    humiliating trouncing.

  3. remember this disgusting POS when you think of his enabling wife
    … they believe in nothing but power over the masses

    apologies beforehand … they are not our ‘Betters’ … actually, they are Inferiors

    Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
    Oh, where have you been, charming Billy?
    I have been bedding an Epstein filly, she makes my Willy silly,
    She’s a young thing and cannot leave Lolita Island.

    Did she get you to come in, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
    Did she get you to come in, charming Billy?
    Yes, she got me to come in, and there’s a little in her chin.
    She’s a young thing and cannot leave Lolita Island.

    Does she have a pretty pair, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
    Does she have a pretty pair, Charming Billy.
    Yes, she has a pretty pair, she’s so young, I’m so debonair,
    she’s a young thing and cannot leave Lolita Island.

    Does she have a tasty pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
    Does she have a tasty pie, charming Billy?
    She has a tasty pie, so sweet it makes me cry,
    She’s a young thing and cannot leave Lolita Island.

    How old is she, Billy Boy, Billy Boy,
    How old is she, charming Billy?
    Three times two and one times seven, she was ate before eleven,
    She’s a young thing and cannot leave Lolita Island.


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