Bill Clinton Confronts #BLM With Some Truth – It Didn’t Go Well – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Confronts #BLM With Some Truth – It Didn’t Go Well

While Hillary tries to pander and lie to her potential base, Bill just undoes all her “hard work” in one animated outburst.

I’m sure Hillary is thrilled with this.

See Bill after the

Here is a general consensus of what today’s left thinks of the Clintons.

16 Comments on Bill Clinton Confronts #BLM With Some Truth – It Didn’t Go Well

  1. If that thing in the linked video is the “general consensus” just take me down to the river and end my fucking misery. I lasted 1:40 watching her part her fucking hair and spout her bullshit.

    I used to respond to idiocy like hers by saying you live in the greatest country in the world and you’re still finding crap to bitch about??

    Now? Not so much.

    Bill actually had a point if I’m understanding this correctly but anything other then taking out BLM cock and tonguing it isn’t going to cut it. Fuck them.

    I’m seriously considering Cleveland this summer. Remus says, violence is misunderstood. There’s no such thing as senseless violence. All violence makes sense to someone. Nor is violence ever entirely random.

  2. He’s right. And for the record, I can’t stand the Clintons but I have to defend them in this instance (yea, horrible, I know). The term “super predator” was a term used by criminal justice experts in the late 80’s early 90’s to describe young criminals who were basically amoral thugs who couldn’t care less about their victims. When Hillary used the term in the 90s she was not referring specifically to black criminals – but to all violent criminals. The assumption she was referring to blacks is an assumption the dim witted robots of the Soros funded BLM think. Why? Because they’re idiots and must hold a grudge against their own. Who knows? Who can reason with village idiots.

  3. Of course, nobody ever listens to me. But did I not state some time ago in this very forum that Hillary would rue the day when she let Bill and Chelsea campaign for her?

  4. I think the Clintons know that they have the nomination wrapped up and are now pandering to moderates or even conservatives who dislike Trump. It’s worth more to them than the black vote that they will have anyway. Shrewd. Hillary will beat Sanders and start moving to the right (for her) as far as she can go.

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