Bill Clinton Dogged By Protester Reminding Voters Of Rape Accusation – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Dogged By Protester Reminding Voters Of Rape Accusation

WJ:  For yet another day, protesters reminded American voters that former President Bill Clinton stands accused of a rape that the alleged victim claims Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton helped cover up.

“Bill Clinton has harmed women!” a woman shouted Tuesday during a rally in Canton, Ohio, at which the former president spoke.

The woman got the attention of TV cameras by holding up a hand-lettered T-shirt reading “Bill Clinton a Rapist.”


9 Comments on Bill Clinton Dogged By Protester Reminding Voters Of Rape Accusation

  1. America needs to be reminded.
    Our attention span is about 30 seconds and we either forget, or move on to other things.
    But some things are dangerous – for as long as they endure – not just while we’re considering them.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. This is an Alex Jones thing. He’s offering up to $5000 to anyone who’ll wear a “Hillary For Prison” shirt and yell “Bill Clinton is a rapist” during a live TV broadcast.

  3. @grool: I read it that way, too. However, I suspect that the only thing catholic* about bill Clinton is his taste in women.

    (* – Notice the small “c”. Not talkin’ about their religion here.)

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