“Let’s shoot every third person on Wall Street and everything will be fine.”
Moonbattery: Bill Clinton sums up the simplistic and sociopathic not to mention juvenile attitude of Bernie Sanders and the Occupy Wall Street types who comprise his supporters:
we can start w/ Bill’s Hedge Fund Manager Son-in-law…:-)
… jus’ sayin’
Shouldn’t Bubba have that Zero/Loser sign over his own face?
If I didn’t know better I’d say he wuz in Brazil where that means something entirely different… and more fitting!
There are a lot of evil and crooked people on wall street, but the root of the problem is in congress because they are the ones who take the money and write the laws that let the wall street wolfs be crooked and evil.
That is how FUBAR is the country (at least half of it):
that Bubba “TP Trash” Clinton takes a paternalistic stance as the voice of prudence.