Bill Clinton Writing a thriller with James Patterson – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Writing a thriller with James Patterson


With plenty of time on his hands, Bill Clinton is teaming up with best-selling author James Patterson to write a political thriller called “The President is Missing,” the publishers announced Monday.

The novel will be “a unique amalgam of intrigue, suspense and behind-the-scenes global drama from the highest corridors of power. It will be informed by details that only a president can know,” Alfred A. Knopf and Little, Brown and Co. said in a statement.

It is due out in June 2018 as a joint-release from the two rival publishers.

The publishers didn’t say how much the former president would be paid for the work.  more here

SNIP: Gee, I wonder what the book will be about? So much to choose from…
Vote fraud? Political scandals? Murder? Scamming the public? Charity fraud? Impeachment? Failed presidential runs? Bimbo eruptions? Fugly daughters named Chelsea? Slutty interns? Lying to Congress? Unsecured national secrets documents?  Uranium sales? Rape?

What have I missed?

28 Comments on Bill Clinton Writing a thriller with James Patterson

  1. James Patterson was a decent writer at first with “Along Came a Spider” and a few others. Lately, he is doing a new commercial every month for a new book that he co-writes with someone (who I think is writing the whole thing). He is as much of a shill as Clinton–so I wonder who really will be writing this book? More importantly, who cares?

  2. Well, that’s a book I will put on my must not read list. Did the look under the Oval Office desk or any of the other places he had sex with Monica?

    Given Clinton’s life long disgusting behavior, why would anyone want to be associated with him? Oh yeah………….the money.

  3. The President is Missing? Wasn’t that already penned by Hillary? Patterson is as gay as the front row of a Cher concert and Bill is a rapist, so imagine the ‘twist and turns’ on every page.

  4. Land deals, missing billing records, perjury, rocket technology transfer, unsecured classified documents and world class campaigning in chapter one.

  5. More upcoming thrillers from Penman Clinton:

    The Penicillin Files
    Club Soda Will Get That Stain Out
    My Wife Will Never Know
    Indiana Jeff and the Pedo island of Doom
    Waiting to Inhale
    More Than One Way to Smoke a Stogie
    The Maltese Fucktard

  6. For all his faults one still has to admire William Jefferson Clinton for his one supreme achievement. He got almost as much oral sex as Hillary did and based on the size and shape of Huma’s large mouth Hillary got plenty!

  7. So far as I can tell, Patterson only writes his “Cross” series by himself. Patterson used to write entertaining escapist novels, but his co-authored stuff is subpar. I doubt Patterson did much on this project other than lend his name to it, and there is a third ghost writer primarily involved.

    Tom Clancy did this, and Clive Cussler has gone down this road as well. Putting Clinton’s name on the cover is just a con to increase sales.

  8. “The President is Missing” – A story of intrigue and suspense. Top White House and Intelligence staff are paralyzed as a secretly planned attack of a US Embassy in North Africa is underway. Orders to stand down until a proper uniform can be authorized to wear for a rescue mission can be approved. Meanwhile, the Secretary of State is passed out drunk at 3AM and the President is missing and cannot be found!

    Has he been kidnapped by the same forces that are orchestrating the attack on the Embassy? Has he been whisked away by SS based on a sudden warning that a North Korean threat to launch a missile at Washington DC is imminent?

    Or (spoiler) has he locked himself away in the bedroom of his secret male lover Veggie Dove, where they are enjoying a forbidden and secret interlude for 9 hours while the balance of a US Embassy is at stake?

  9. A crime novel with expert ‘co-author’.

    Just another money laundering scheme. The Clinton story is old and tiresome, no one wants a book from or about them.

  10. What about robbing the National Archives with Sandy?
    How I armed North Korea so they wouldn’t be in the dark?
    The unfortunate 60+ people that knew to much?

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