Bill Coming Due on Biden’s Foreign Follies – IOTW Report

Bill Coming Due on Biden’s Foreign Follies

Just the News

The broken $320 million pier off the coast of Gaza is just the latest in a series of costly U.S. military and humanitarian aid mishaps under the Biden administration, following criticism for failed actions in Afghanistan, Ukraine and Niger. More

10 Comments on Bill Coming Due on Biden’s Foreign Follies

  1. Possibly the biggest bill that will be coming due is when the Ruskies decide to pay NATO back for allowing Ukraine to deliver missiles and drones into Russia. Putin has described that as a cause for dramatic escalation. There’s no telling where he might hit, but it will be felt.

  2. It seems fairly clear that the globalist elite want a nuclear war. That is certainly behind the Obama administration’s suicidal policy pushing forward Iran’s nuclear capabilities. Their goading Putin into invading Ukraine and now signing off on the use of American advanced weapons to be used against Russian soil is an invitation for Russian style reprisal on American soil. To make that move without a commensurate increase in military readiness is suicidal. The whole thing is suicidal. Of course, they don’t intend on dying, so I suppose it is plain old mass murder…treasonous murder.

  3. “… series of costly U.S. military and humanitarian aid mishaps under the Biden administration …”

    “Mishaps” my ass – straight up corruption – theft – misappropriation – by a corrupt, illegal, amoral, usurped mal-administration.
    America is being plundered right before our very eyes – and we’re pulling that “Sgt. Schultz” bullshit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Biden supporting China, Iran, Hezbollah, HAMAS, Iraq, Taliban, UKraine, Cuba, Vietnam, Venezuela and many other countries that do not support freedom or the rights of Citizens.
    The enemy within.

  5. Oh how easy it is to sit back relax & be the arm chair quarterback. Biden did this all alone, all by himself, cause congress was way too busy giving themselves a big pay raise & too worried about if their next insider trading pays off. Go ahead & blame while MTG trades her insider stocks. Hell you support a five year ole miswell act like one.

  6. Biden has a foreign policy? Even if he is taking orders from Obama, Obama really didn’t have a foreign policy either.

    And the world is less safe because of this.


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