Bill de Blasio⁩ says gender reassignment surgery should be paid for by Medicare for All – IOTW Report

Bill de Blasio⁩ says gender reassignment surgery should be paid for by Medicare for All

22 Comments on Bill de Blasio⁩ says gender reassignment surgery should be paid for by Medicare for All

  1. Democrats are the worst kind of perverts and are only skilled at pandering to their, queers, baby killers, illegals and cowards living in mommy’s basement.

  2. Maybe they should castrate male liberals and sterilize female liberals at taxpayer expense.

    And the world would be a better place.
    For you, for me, just wait and see.

    Think of your fellow man, lend him a helping hand

  3. The Demographic-Socialist-Homosexualists-Transeverything Party is truly involved in a suicide pact amongst its looniest peoplekind membership. There is nothing like a gay pride parade to bring out the dead politicians with more promises they can’t keep.

  4. I NEED surgery to turn me into the six million dollar man otherwise my life is not whole and I can’t get a job and everyone makes fun of me and I have a hard time peeing.

  5. For 20 years I have had the same questions.

    1) Does the man made pecker work or is it just a pissing tool?

    2) Does the man made vagine (Borat’s term) sense anything or is it just and empty void? (like AOC’s head)

    ? ? ? ? ?

  6. MJA- just wanted to point it out, as it was off by 10X

    hey- if they think people can be ‘born in the wrong body,’ maybe they, the liberals, were born on the wrong planet.
    Makes just as much sense to me.
    And if by some far flung chance their non-science reasoning is correct, and one can be ‘born in the wrong body,’ maybe there should be a factory recall. “you gotta go back in the shop buddy’ lol

  7. What I want to know is this: If there are no differences between males and females except for “what we socialize into them,” then why does anyone need any kind of “reassignment” anyway?

    Also, this whole “the gender assigned at birth” phrase is too weird. People get *assigned* what teacher they’ll have when school starts, not their biological sex. They act like it wasn’t already a reality and someone picked them up at birth, saying, “This one goes to the boy room.” “This one will be a girl.”


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