Bill de Blasio considering a run for president- draws a crowd of 6 people in New Hampshire – IOTW Report

  Bill de Blasio considering a run for president- draws a crowd of 6 people in New Hampshire


DC: Democratic New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is considering a run for president, but doesn’t appear to be generating as much buzz as other candidates like former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.  more

11 Comments on   Bill de Blasio considering a run for president- draws a crowd of 6 people in New Hampshire

  1. did someone just steal Timma Kane’s eyebrows?

    btw, Dick Dale died Saturday night … thought some of you Guitar Junkies or ‘Pulp Fiction’ fans would want to know …. apologies if this was already mentioned

  2. ..but, once you take away the media sycophants and secret service guys holding ropes to keep the peasants at bay, that’s TWICE the crowd at an average Hillary event…

  3. HOE-LEE-SHIT! 6, really? 6? Hillary had to pay 1,200 homeless bums and college professors $100 apiece to get 30 to show up. No wonder the New York Times is worried.


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