Bill Gates Wants to Do for Air Conditioning What He Did for Vaccines – IOTW Report

Bill Gates Wants to Do for Air Conditioning What He Did for Vaccines


“We’ve already made the existing, century-old technology nearly as efficient as possible,” Woods said in the statement. “To get a transformational change in efficiency, we need to look at different approaches without the limitations of the existing one.”

That’s the goal of Blue Frontier. The startup is working on technology that will make air conditioning more efficient with fewer harmful environmental by-products, and just scored a $20 million round led by Bill Gates investment fund, Breakthrough Energy Ventures. More

31 Comments on Bill Gates Wants to Do for Air Conditioning What He Did for Vaccines

  1. The reality is that no matter how sub-par the new technology is vis-à-vis what has been working for decades, Billy and the Schwabs will have the stuff that actually works. And they won’t be eating bugs either.

    And, BTW, I am NOT posting comments too fucking quickly.

  2. @Extreme Maga Tony — Another member of my household posts here, too. The server code that checks for “posting too quickly” can’t tell us apart. Is there someone else commenting here using the same router as you?

  3. Just another crock. Ozone depletion? so we are back to that now? Please. Ozone depletion in the Antarctic? Really. Must be lots of air conditioners in the Antarctic. Total Bull.

  4. And, if developed by Gates, you would need to buy a new operating system every couple years, you would have to periodically reboot the system, back it up on a cloud system, etc.

  5. If nerd boy installs his new tech at Microsoft HQ I might think about it. Gates should be reminded that he hasn’t been elected to anything and needs to STFU. MORE PIES FOR BILL

  6. Making ‘cold’ has so far escaped us. All we have figured out so far is moving heat around and doing that makes more heat than you moved by a shot.

    One day, just maybe, we will really know what light is, what gravity is, and how to make ‘cold’. Today we do not.

  7. I’m sure they will outlaw the coolant again so I can buy another new unit while under warranty because it’s cheaper. I wish creepy bill would just go away.

  8. Does anyone think that Bill Gates or any of these other billionaire rich bastards have a satisfied mind? I doubt it, money can’t buy happiness, but it can sure make these elite snobs think that they’re better than us. I’ll take what I have and be grateful and happy for it. Can any of these arrogant rich snobs say the same. And billy boy and the rest of you rich jackasses you can’t take it with you. I am not jealous or envious for all that you have, if I was that way leads to unhappiness and madness and trying to up the ante to keep up with the Jones. Besides suffering is good for you because it leads to being grateful if you let God truly help you.

  9. ANY “Green” technology should NOT be trusted. It is designed to increase the misery level for those gullible enough to think its beneficial. Gates and cronies don’t care about your comfort, only control and profit.
    Don’t forget Gates is the cretin who wants to block the sun with dust to curb so-called global warming; .

    Do you really want such a megalomaniac to screw up the air conditioning industry? If so, say goodbye to freon.

  10. Any HVAC tech(there are a few on here, I think) will tell you that is much easier to COOL a house or business than it is to HEAT it. That is the problem with people like Bill Gates, they have never gotten dirty hands or done a real day’s honest work. They know nothing, yet know everything & by God you will listen & comply.

  11. How ironic…

    “In 1942, the small town of Oak Ridge, Tennessee was chosen to become the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a uranium refinery for the first atom bomb. The town was emptied and rebuilt to accommodate some 70,000 workers at a plant that, unknown to even the workers, was refining uranium for the atom bomb.”

    Are you certain they’re working on air conditioners today?

  12. I worked in an ExxonMobil chemical plant for 32 years. We used this technology to chill cooling water for the gas recycle cooling exchangers coming from the reactors that made polyethylene. At least that was the idea. A group of process engineers convinced the company to install a $10,000,000 Hibachi cooling system that used a bromide salt solution to accomplish the cooling. Talk about a freaking nightmare. The unit was as big as a small apartment. The goal was to lower the cooling water temperature by a few degrees. That was supposed to slightly increase production and reduce fouling in the reactors. That Japanese monstrosity piece of shit never worked and stayed down 90% of the time due to maintenance issues. It was taken offline and mothballed after 18 months. The engineers responsible were all fired.

  13. @Dr. Hambone July 30, 2022 at 4:03 am

    > The engineers responsible were all fired.

    And that is why Science(TM) must be run by billionaires. “Under” the Best Government(TM) (singular) they can buy.

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