Bill Maher Has A Learning Disability – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Has A Learning Disability

Blue State Conservative:
I’ve been reading on a regular basis about how amazing it is that even Bill Maher is slapping back at the left. I’ve even been convinced that he might be on the verge of turning his back on the Democratic Party. That’s nonsense.

Fox News reported that Bill Maher said about Elon Musk saying he’s going to vote Republican, “I’ve got to part company there”. Maher then goes on to say he will never vote Republican because they ignore climate change and January 6th, Trump, etc.

I recently enjoyed Bill Maher attacking the LGBTQ orthodoxy, here.
Then he makes fun of Biden’s limp wristed “Ultra-MAGA” insult, here.
Bill Maher asks when Biden will take immigration seriously, here.
Then Bill Maher attacked Twitter for halting The Babylon Bee’s tweets, here. Quote, “You do need a new sheriff.more

11 Comments on Bill Maher Has A Learning Disability

  1. There are many like Maher, who occasionally stray but ideologically ignore their sensible thoughts. Because they have a platform in speaking to the Left, they have value to us in that we can use their own words when they do speak rationally. Heck, I have quoted 0bama, who quite often has said the right thing (but has never acted that way). Recognize these people for what they are, use them when it is effective – but don’t expect them to change. For one thing their paycheck is likely tied to their ideology, not to their rational thought.

  2. When reality slaps ’em upside the head, a few of these Liberal pundits and “news” people realize the hole they’ve dug themselves into and will try to make sense for a while in order to re-build their credibility, then swing back the other way when it is politically expedient.

  3. A “useful idiot” in Lenin’s memorable phrase.

    If he had to work for a living, he might see things differently.
    But he’s another rich, insulated, bubble-boy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. His liberal commentary was hurting his ratings. He’d say anything to keep his ratings, even biting the hands that feeds him or grasping the conservatives that deplore him.
    Media Whore.

  5. Not sure why people care about, watch or even remotely take anything Bill Maher (also Howard Stern) say seriously.
    Both are liberal rats, corrupt to the bone.
    Bill Maher donated 1 million dollars to Obama’s re-election campaign and bragged about it.
    Don’t expect these retards to grow spines or to have a shared of morals, decency, or brains in them.
    They say stuff like this from time to time to get higher ratings. They change color as required.


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