Bill Maher: ‘I’ll ‘F***ing Kill Anthony Weiner’ if Hillary Clinton Loses – IOTW Report

Bill Maher: ‘I’ll ‘F***ing Kill Anthony Weiner’ if Hillary Clinton Loses


Bill Maher live-streamed his #WhinyLittleB!tch stand-up comedy special on Facebook on Wednesday, during which he unloaded on Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka, Republican voters and disgraced former New York Congressman Anthony Weiner.

“I mean, what does it take? A racist, a liar, a tax cheat, a draft-dodger, a deadbeat, a Russian agent, and a rapist. You know we’re a nuclear power, right? These are red flags,” the Real Time host joked to an audience at Los Angeles comedy club Largo.

“You know, I hope that when we look back on this, it’s going to be like… Trump is like Y2K. Right?” he continued.

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19 Comments on Bill Maher: ‘I’ll ‘F***ing Kill Anthony Weiner’ if Hillary Clinton Loses

  1. How is this dipshit relevant? Maher can’t land a mainstream gig but is big talk to his low IQ audience. Even manatee Michael Moore turns a witty phrase once in a great while. BFD.

  2. Awwww…give Bill a break. It’s no wonder he’s unhinged.
    Going through life looking like an aardvark can’t have been easy.
    @BFH, please post your brilliant “portrait” of penis face.

  3. solomon – that reminds me of a Little Johnny joke where Johnny’s old man is sitting on the edge of the bed putting on a condom right when little Johnny comes running into the bedroom. To hide himself, Johnny’s dad gets down on the floor on all fours and pretends to look for something under the bed.
    Little Johnny sez: “Hey Pop, whatcha doin?”
    Johnny’s dad sez: “Oh son there’s a rat in here that just ran under the bed. He’s a big one so you’d better get out of here!”
    Little Johnny sez: “Oh yeah Pop, whadya gonna do when you find him? Fuck him to death?”

  4. This is really sad. Because you know other people feel the same way.
    They don’t care what crimes she has committed.
    Only that she got caught … and by a weiner. (pretty funny)
    One has to wonder what other crimes Bill Maher would be okay with.
    Obviously the crime of killing Weiner is okay.

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