Bill Maher – Lone Voice on Left That “Gets” the Muslim Problem – IOTW Report

Bill Maher – Lone Voice on Left That “Gets” the Muslim Problem

How can Maher be such a toolbag but “get” Islam?

Watching him butt heads with dopey progressives makes you wonder how he can hang around these cretins.

here  —- > v=fIvebS-fSWs

HT/ SMiller



21 Comments on Bill Maher – Lone Voice on Left That “Gets” the Muslim Problem

  1. Because truth is, progressives really don’t give a “Shiite” about Islam. This is not something they think about nor worry about. So when Maher talks truth to power about the dangers of Islam, they tune out.

  2. I have an inherent hate for that POS and it will take a lot more than him saying ONE thing that is right with America for me to even consider that he may be anywhere near a normal functioning human being.

  3. Because Bill Maher is smart and knows that the left is not really serious about “Islamophobia” and other issues but just picked this issue as his one to remain “fair and balanced”. He has picked his ONE issue to issue to cross party lines and seem introspective and knowledgeable by reading the blogs on the right.
    Another topic a woman progressive “reporter” may pick up is abortion. “Hey I’m totally progressive, but do not agree with the abortion lobby. And by the way, I have five kids”. That’s her out to make her seem “Fair and balanced”.

    The right, however does not work this way. We eat our own on every subject.

  4. Even an old blind sow finds an acorn every now and then.

    The fact that Bill Maher “gets it” about Islam does not redeem him in my eyes for all of his other Liberal leanings. However, I could still respect him for his beliefs, just as I respect other people with whom I disagree, except for one action of his. A month after “Crocodile Hunter” Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray, Maher showed up in the following Halloween costume:

    Now this may seem like a trivial matter to condemn a person for, but consider this: Irwin’s family, including his children, were probably exposed to this sick joke during what had to be the height of their grieving process. For that reason, regardless of any other, I have no use for Bill Maher. Anyone that insensitive deserves whatever misfortune life may deal him, with no sympathy from me.

    Hopefully some day someone can wear a Halloween costume mocking the manner in which he dies, assuming public decency will allow it.

  5. A leftist tool. But I think he’s smart enough to realize he
    doesn’t want to live in a place that while walking down the
    street he can be randomly cut down by some phuck wearing a
    dress and yelling aloha snakbar.
    At least he’s not kissing their asses.

  6. Clearly, Maher ain’t too bright.

    So, what I want to know, is why an idiot Lefty like Maher can see the obvious problems with radical Islam but the rest of the Lefties cannot and defend it, invite it to America.

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