Bill Maher’s Still in the Dark About the “Deep State” – IOTW Report

Bill Maher’s Still in the Dark About the “Deep State”


On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher closed his show by stating that there is a deep state consisting of “the bureaucratic class that justifies its existence by making up new rules” and that the bureaucratic class is a group of “petty tyrants” that make it impossible to do things people want done. More

6 Comments on Bill Maher’s Still in the Dark About the “Deep State”

  1. He is absolutely right about the other stuff, certainly.
    But there is absolutely a cabal that is controlling election outcomes and that seeks to rule, well, absolutely.

  2. I remember that douchebag Erick Erickson scoffing at the notion of a deep state in a similar way, reducing it to nothing more than discrete bureaucracies vying for power. Erickson from the right and Maher from the left find common ground in their dismissal of a deep state, but they are both wrong, and they end up showing how establishment conventional wisdom is constantly getting played.


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