Billionaire Plans to Go to the Titanic – IOTW Report

Billionaire Plans to Go to the Titanic


Nearly a year after the implosion of an OceanGate submersible en route to the Titanic’s final resting place, a tragedy that killed all five people on board, a billionaire is planning another trip to the wreck. Larry Connor, whom the BBC refers to as an Ohio luxury real estate tycoon and adventurer, is planning a trip to the depths of the North Atlantic Ocean with Patrick Lahey, co-founder of Triton Submarines. Neither was involved with the OceanGate expedition, and after the implosion, Triton was among the companies rushing to differentiate between “classed” and “unclassed” subs: Triton uses only classed vessels, which are considered very safe, while the OceanGate vessel that imploded was unclassed, using experimental materials and designs, the Wall Street Journal reports.

With the bad press the OceanGate implosion brought to the submersible industry, Connor got in touch with Lahey and suggested they build a vessel that could repeatedly and safely make the trip to the Titanic, which sits more than 12,400 feet deep, to illustrate that OceanGate’s sub was the exception, not the rule. “I want to show people worldwide that while the ocean is extremely powerful, it can be wonderful and enjoyable and really kind of life-changing if you go about it the right way,” says Connor, who has previously made trips to the Mariana Trench and the International Space Station.


Yes, it could be life-changing.

What’s the right way, dipshit? Maybe to not have a ghoulish fascination with a tragedy?

22 Comments on Billionaire Plans to Go to the Titanic

  1. I guess I’m in the minority here.
    I find it fascinating and would go down to Titanic if I could.
    Ever since Bob Ballard found it there have been numerous safe dives from safe submersibles.
    I wouldn’t let some dipshit who did it wrong and paid the ultimate price stop me from pursuing my dream of one day going down there to see for myself.


  2. …you can actually get a dryer, less costly look here…

    The streets of Chicago add all the life hazard adrenaline of a REAL dive, and with more colorful Sea Monkeys,too!

    …or, if ChiCongo is still too adveturous, head across the pond for a genuine White Star experience built from the ACTUAL components of Titanic’s sister Olympic, and make a meal of it!

    …theres also a “thing” in Pigeon Forge TN, but Ive spent my link budget so you can look on your own. They have (limited) artifacts too.

    …So reach out and touch the Titanic if you like.

    No mothership required…

  3. LBS,
    I’m with you. I like to explore, to see stuff.
    BUT!….at the same time, be respectful of others, and of the dead.
    “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints”.

    Gettysburg…everybody knows about it.
    Yet tourists go there daily, re-enactors do their thing annually.
    Yet as long as “the honored dead” are respected, no one thinks twice about it.

  4. I have a poster signed by Paul-Henri Nargeolet.
    My friend funded the Bob Ballard expedition, and he gave me a framed photo that he took of the Ballard submersible going down to the Titanic.

  5. @SNS,Thanks, I was close to forgetting the cry baby. In Akron and Cleveland i have seen some stunning old houses from the 1930’s. Some are in good repair while others need some help. I don’t care for the new McMansions I see taking up former cow pastures and corn fields.


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