Clinton Aide Subtly Threatens U.S. Senator For Saying Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned – IOTW Report

Clinton Aide Subtly Threatens U.S. Senator For Saying Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned

Philippe Reines, a catty, bitchy Clinton sycophant (who blocked me on Twitter awhile ago – more on that later) has intimated to Kirsten Gillibrand that things will be rough for her in 2020.


She had the temerity to say Bill Clinton should have resigned over his many sexual indiscretions.

Enter the Clinton’s henchman.

The innuendo in his tweet is that she will be primaried.

He says this while Clinton power has eroded like Malibu beachfront property.

Now, why was I blocked by Philippe?

It was because of his Twitter banner-

I also had temerity. I had the bad sense to explain to this left-wing idiot that the man standing in front of the tank in Tiananmen Square was standing in defiance of left-wing aggression. China’s government is as left-wing as they get. If someone stands up to it they are, by default, to the right.

Dumb-dumb Philippe no likey when he gets schooled. He bwocked me.

So, since I am blocked I will have to take him to school on his latest tweet here. And this is for all the other imbeciles who say, “it was just a blowjob!”

Follow along, morons.

If a president is willing to do the following in order to keep everyone from knowing about “a simple blowjob”


  • He perjured himself in recent testimony at the White House.
  • He lied about being alone with Lewinsky and giving her gifts.
  • He lied in his deposition in the Paula Jones case about conversations with Lewinsky.
  • He committed obstruction of justice concerning gifts he exchanged with Lewinsky and with regard to finding a job for Lewinsky.
  • He tampered with a witness by trying to influence the grand jury testimony of his secretary, Betty Currie.
  • He abused his power as president by trying to prevent Secret Service agents from testifying in the Lewinsky matter. – Via CBS News

he has certainly opened himself up to blackmail if an enemy of our state learns about the “simple blowjob.”

Do you not understand this principle Philippe?

This is why your party is a danger. While they wring their hands over Russian influence and dossiers they still do not understand why what Billy did was so bad.

Think about the dossier that could have been delivered to Bill, complete with picture of him being serviced in the Oval Office.

This is a guy who sold out America for a few hundred thousand dollars when it was just about the money. What would he have given up in order for no one to find out about his secret knobbings by a fat intern?

After all, he was scrambling for his life, committing felonies by jury tampering and obstructing justice. Certainly he would have given up whatever a foreign agency requested of him, no?

Has it sunk in?




A scathing piece by Politico in March 2009 highlighted Reines’s responsibility for one of Clinton’s early gaffes as Secretary of State – an erroneous Russian translation of the word “Reset” on a gag button presented to Clinton’s Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov.[11]

In July 2009, Reines struck a deal with journalist Marc Ambinder to provide an advance copy of a Hillary Clinton speech to Ambinder in exchange for positive reporting on Clinton.

In September 2012, Reines vigorously took issue with CNN over its use of Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens‘s diary, which CNN found at the site of an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi which killed the ambassador. CNN fired back by suggesting that the State Department was “attacking the messenger” because of “questions about why the State Department didn’t do more to protect Ambassador Stevens.”[18] Some media critics sided with CNN and questioned whether Reines’ real grievance was indeed with CNN’s disrespect for the privacy wishes of Stevens’ family; BuzzFeed published an email exchange between Reines and Michael Hastings where the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State told Hastings to “Fuck off.”[19] Reines also took issue with a reporter’s questions in December 2012, calling a Fox News correspondent’s question about his boss “absolutely asinine.”[20




22 Comments on Clinton Aide Subtly Threatens U.S. Senator For Saying Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned

  1. The more I read, watch, and listen about the currant state of the USA, the more I need to take a shower. Almost hourly… This is getting to be beyond belief.
    Sad, very sad.

  2. How long would it take for a normal person to be banned from douche twitter for tweeting the word “blowjob” at a US Senator?

    Only a leftisit homo can get away with that.

  3. Is he saying that Clinton, Inc. is going to punish her for free speech? Sounds like an “abuse of power” to me. Assuming Clinton, Inc. still has any power when Gillibrand’s next election role around.

  4. You read any of his emails from the WikiLeaks Podesta emails, and this is hardly surprising. He’s a Hillary True Believer.

    He’s the one who went on a paranoid tirade over “blabbers” who leaked to the press.

  5. Moe Tom — I think the wildebeast herd are running for cover. They can smell the shift in wind direction. Think of any single Rep or Sen and you’ve got less than two degrees of separation between that guy/gal and a whole constellation of D.C. insiders who are tainted, or even primary suspects who share in other scandals. The entire Congress stinks like a rotting corpse.

  6. Oh goody, lemme help –
    Mr Reines, yer just a nuther high-priced enabler of a serial rapist, draft-dodging, tax-evading, dope-smoking, coke-sniffing, drug dealing, money-laundering, pants-dropping, weenie-wagging, wife-cheating, woman-beating, masturbating, cigar-dipping pervert, finger wagging liar, self-centered, self-serving, hornswaggling, double-dealing, four-flushing, influence pedaling sleaze-bag thief who wound up getting convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred who went down in history as the low-life bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll who dragged our nation’s morality down to the level of an Arkansas Outhouse by bringing the term “blow-job” into the family kitchen on the front page of the morning paper!

  7. Gillibrand’s comments are way too little and mega way too late–makes her worse than a hypocrite! She’s received all of the so-called benefits of supporting the Clintons for all these years but now says he should have resigned way back when.

  8. Getting back to being blocked how is that done?
    IP address?
    Your Twitter account number or name?
    Seems to me you could just change the phone or computer data feed.
    You could have someone else send the comment from there twitter feed.
    Are you blocked forever?

  9. $70 million was NOT spent on a consensual blow job.

    $70 million was spent because Bill Clinton LIED and COVERED UP for his consensual blow job. If he just fessed up, it would have cost $0.

  10. So….

    How much money did “Bubba Blowjob” make in speaking endorsements from 9 November 2016 to 8 November 2017…….after Hitlery lost the election to Trump45…..

    Compare that yearly total to “Bubba Blowjobs” yearly average while Hitlery was SOS or running for President……

    Now…..tell me how there was no pay to play scheme going on.

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