Bitter Packers Fans Have To Pay the Barkeep – IOTW Report

Bitter Packers Fans Have To Pay the Barkeep


Crazy Jets Game Ends Up Costing Wisconsin Bar Patrons-

Jack’s American Pub announced that everybody would drink for free whenever the Jets lose—because Aaron Rodgers had left their beloved Green Bay Packers to play for New York. When Rodgers was injured on his first possession and had to leave the game, patrons were clearly in a celebratory mood, as this report from CBS 58 in Milwaukee shows.

After all, everyone figured the Bills would roll to an easy win with Rodgers out, but the Jets ended up winning in overtime. In the bar, “the mood has changed considerably,” the TV station’s AJ Bayatpour said in a live-time report as the game ended. “Take a look,” he said, as the camera panned around. “This is the reaction from a bar where people are realizing the bar tabs they’ve been racking up all night—thinking, certainly with Rodgers hurt, the bar was going to be paying that tab—it is setting in, they are going to have to go to the bar and pay that tab.” Going forward, the bar’s promotion is moot. Rodgers is out for the season, and the promotion stipulates he must start the game for it to be in effect. 


The Shitheads, I mean Cheeseheads , cheered when Rodgers got hurt. They sound like a bunch of 8th-grade girls. They loved him so much that they want to see him injured.

11 Comments on Bitter Packers Fans Have To Pay the Barkeep

  1. There’s nothing a cheesehead likes more than free drinks. I’ll bet they pounded them down to see who would have the worst hangover the next day. It’s funny as hell the Jets still won and everyone had to pay their tab!

  2. Humans are interesting and tribal. I outta know. Aaron was loved like a spouse but hated like an ex when he went off to sleep with the Jets.

    That’s why you get the celebratory actions, also the Jets are insufferably woke like 90% of NY city, so theres that to affect Midwestern sensiblities as well..

  3. “They sound like a bunch of 8th-grade girls…”

    As they did when they went out in the backyard, got drunk and burned their shirts that said ROGERS on the back. Hell hath no fury…


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