Black Berkeley Students Afraid of White People – IOTW Report

Black Berkeley Students Afraid of White People

The KKK approves of this Berkeley policy.


An off-campus housing co-op for University of California, Berkeley students bans white people from entering common spaces to “avoid white violence” — sparking criticism that the policy inflames racial tensions.

The five-story, 30-room “Person of Color Theme House” near the school requires students to declare their race when signing in and to announce when they’re bringing white guests in to the building, according to house rules leaked on

“Many POC moved here to be able to avoid white violence and presence, so respect their decision of avoidance if you bring white guests,” the rules declare. “White guests are not allowed in common spaces.”

The building, which houses up to 56 students a few blocks from the university,  also urges students to avoid bringing family members that “express bigotry,” according to the College Fix.

“Queer, Black, and Indigenous members should not have to avoid common spaces because of homophobic or racist parents/family members,” the rules state.


40 Comments on Black Berkeley Students Afraid of White People

  1. Your terms are…acceptable

    Now give me a neighborhood, workplace, church, stores, TV channels, commercials, theme parks, public parks, theatres, bars, & restaurants without the poor downtrodden black folks that fear my White presence…

    You want that? You got it!

    Am I banned? My posts as Loco not going through…

    No you aren’t. And no clue why they aren’t.

  2. We just got back Thursday moving our son into on-campus housing. The university divides up all the students around campus based on what college they are going into. Part of each college includes academic LLCs, Living Learning Communities, so like-minded students spend time together not only in class, but also while living together outside of class. My son is in the Human Services college that includes his area of study, automotive technology, and lives on 1 of 2 floors designated for his LLC in a tower for his college.

    There are 3 giant towers on campus for housing. One of the towers is divided out to include only the Liberal Studies college. It contains one of the largest LLCs on campus, Africana Studies, among others, criminal justice, language, linguistics, anthropology, university studies etc. Just based on like-minded studies, this tower is, for lack of better description, the ghetto. Segregation by studies. Without specifically saying the tower is for POC, that’s what the tower is.

    I’m surprised they haven’t bitched that 2 towers are white while only 1 is black. They may as well have a “POC themed tower” sign hanging on the outside, and “whites only” on the other 2 towers. No need to declare race because what you study does that for you. Sure, there’s some co-mingling of races in the towers, but the current setup is pretty effective, it’s about 95% black at the black tower, and 90% white in the white towers.

    As per off-campus housing around the university it’s the same thing, there’s a few black zones where white students just don’t go/aren’t welcome and again it comes down to like-mindedness. But all other areas you can always find a few token blacks. Whites are encouraged to welcome blacks, and blacks are encouraged to not welcome whites — without saying it outloud. Especially when it comes to fraternities and sororities.

    I went to the same university in the 90s and it was the same back then too.

  3. Martin Luther King, jr would be so disappointed.

    LB Johnson would be proud that his plan worked.

    Next they’ll be demanding separate lunch counters, bathrooms and drinking fountains.

  4. All seriousness aside, what self-respecting white person would visit the “Person of Color Theme House?”

    Racist in name and intent – no possible reason to visit.

    Why not just call it the “Hate Whitey Theme House?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Aaaaaaannnd this is what happens when you relenlessly beat drum of false narratives! We now have a whole generation of people who have heard nothing but the Left preaching Rasism, Racism, Racism! White Supremacy, Ku Klux Klan, Nazi, etc while the Left are the racists. They have managed to use racial differences to divide this country like never before! Sure we had real, brutal racism before, but not like this. There was no need to dig it back up, revive it and use as a tool to fracture a nationand thanks to ou wonderful Media they too k every opportunity to amplify it and display it and thereby promote it! May they rot in Hell!

  6. Wow. Google Maps works. Put “poc theme house, university, Berkeley, CA” in the search bar. For a video of a lot of light skinned POC at the “Theme House” look for “HEabaG9RyIM” in the YoutUbe search bar.

    They are,

  7. According to the Alameda County Assessor’s Office, the PoS, (errr, PoC,) Theme House at 2311 Warring St. Berkeley, CA 94704, has a land value of $235,428 and an improvement value of $112,875 and has a, “use code,” of, “7600 FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES.” A similar, “fraternity and sorority,” a block farther south of campus has a total value of about twenty-five times as much. What a scam.

  8. “Black Berkeley Students Afraid of White People:”

    I’m white and I’m afraid of black people. I’m with Obama’s grandmother on this one. If I see one walking towards me, I usually make a detour and go the other way. I don’t want to be sucker punched.

  9. It won’t last long, the colored house will destroy itself.
    Just like public housing, maryjane growing in the bathtub, baby mommas wandering the halls, the smell of chitlins when you open the door and being greeted by a strung out, doped up 7 foot afro holding a basketball

  10. They’re afraid of all the White Violence they’re seeing nowadays –

    The sucker punching of random people
    The continual head stomping after the victim is unconscious
    The mob smash-n-grabs at jewelry stores
    The shoplifting at drug stores in California
    The wild outbursts on big-city subway trains and bus transit
    The destroying of fast-food places over being charged .50 for a dip cup
    The brawls at airports
    The assaults on the Asian population

    Pfft. Black Fragility on full display.

  11. Maybe 5 years ago (?) there were nooses hung around the Berkeley campus and of course everyone had a fit until security footage showed that it was black students who committed the deed. Then the story disappeared.

  12. Eyes wide shut. Lock step indoctrinated tools follow Marxist doctrine created by a truly evil…white man. Black college students have nothing to fear from white parents depositing their kids in the same leftist higher education institutions as black parents, who don\’t care their kids believe racist bull crap.

    Too blind to see being a racist while black puts them on a path of self destruction.
    Have at it black BLM comrades. You\’re securing your place in poverty, isolation and criminal environments. Black conservatives will advance in society despite the pushback of the elites. Capitalism works for everyone who knows Marxism doesn\’t work – at all.

  13. When segregation was law that was bad, when POC’s voluntarily segregate it’s somehow acceptable? Am I the only one who is confused how this is legal or proper. If I opened a whites only housing unit the government would burn it down, and salt the ashes, but POC setting up a POC only housing tower is legal and laudable? Who pays for this?, And how is this an example of overcoming racist behaviors?


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