Black Friday protest planned along Michigan Avenue – IOTW Report

Black Friday protest planned along Michigan Avenue

ChicagoSunTimes: For the second consecutive year, protesters are planning a Black Friday boycott along the Magnificent Mile.

The protest is scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Friday at the Water Tower monument at Chicago and Michigan avenues, according to organizers.

As of Tuesday evening, more than 400 people have said they will attend the protest, which will denounce the city’s implementation of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability, COPA, instead of a version preferred by protestors. That alternative watchdog, dubbed the Civilian Police Accountability Council, would be made up of members elected by the public.

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17 Comments on Black Friday protest planned along Michigan Avenue

  1. Chicago gets what it deserves. They gave us this community organizer thug president ….so go ahead and organize your pathetic community. Do I care?
    Permission granted to take charge of your miserable lives.

  2. They don’t shop anyway. They are waiting for a riot so they can get free stuff and destroy the stores.
    Notice the sign supplied by The revolutionary Communist Party. Bob Avakian, Carl Dix, and their finance minister, George Soros..
    I hope President Trump pays some attention to these assholes.

  3. Note to Chicago P.D. – Keep in mind the old comedy skit by Bill Cosby (yes, I’m still a fan of his stuff in spite of his recent difficulties), “Go Karts” from his “Wonderfulness” album, where he and his buddies are racing down Dead Man’s Hill in Philly in the Go Kart Championship of the World: “I look and about 90 feet from the bottom of the hill, I see 900 cop cars waiting! The cops are cool, man, they’re standing there with their guns drawn, ‘We’ll shoot ’em down right here, kill all of ’em!!’ ” Just sayin’ . . . . .

  4. Why do white-Mexican-Asian and others dislike blacks so much? well this is one of the reasons. You want to protest life as unfair-then go back to Africa and protest all the problems they have. You live in a nation that gives you rights and freedoms but you want more. Protest all you want- burn down your home and local store you shop at and then cry when you cant get food or milk for your kids. burn baby burn………..

  5. Woohoo!! BLM protests in large metropolitan cities!! Sounds great!!

    /sarc off

    Eff’em. They keep electing people who support this kind of activity so why should we care?

  6. Some really large powerful retail corporations will lose major money as a direct result of this.

    Still surprises me they aren’t all leaning hard on their Mayor Tiny Dancer to shut it down or shift it to some place/date less damaging.

    But this entire BLM charade will disappear fast with a new AG and an end to the official WH endorsement of the last 8 years.

    Go President Trump.

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