Black Girl, Take Off Your Weave and Put Down That Hair Straightener! – IOTW Report

Black Girl, Take Off Your Weave and Put Down That Hair Straightener!

I remember when uppity was a black slur. Now I think it is apt descriptor considering this ridiculous climate of race relations.

Black and brown people are criticizing white women for wearing…. hoop earrings.


  • Pitzer College students  in LA  have  been warned about cultural appropriation
  • White female students have been told not to wear hooped earrings
  • One activist emailed the entire student body to justify the declaration, which was spray painted on a ‘free wall’ used for unmoderated speech at the school
  • She explained it was an attempt to touch on deeper issues of inequality
  • Students behind the spray paint also shared the pressures they faced to conform in order to be taken seriously in academia  

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If this is the ground you’re going to stake your flag in as “yours and yours alone” you are a sorry lot of inconsequential a-holes.

Wow, what an accomplishment. You think you’ve forged the important and unique behavior of wearing shower curtain rings off your earlobes and anyone else doing it should be pilloried?

You should be embarrassed that this is the extent of your cultural “patents.”

“My God, an explosion has just taken out a building filled with people who have given us the hoop earring!!!!! What will we do??? Oh the humanity!!”

Tell ya what. We, the horrible white people, will allow you to culturally appropriate whatever you want from us. Now drop the entire topic.

39 Comments on Black Girl, Take Off Your Weave and Put Down That Hair Straightener!

  1. OK, then, no more Cadillacs or Buicks for black people.

    Caddies are named for Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac, a white man who founded Detroit. The Cadillac company grew out of the remnants of the Henry Ford Co. Henry Ford was a white man.

    Buicks are named for David Dunbar Buick, a white man from Scotland who founded the company that later became part of GM.

    I’m not aware of any significant auto makers founded by black men. Or women. Educate me, please, if I missed one.

    So, get a horse! all you culturally appropriating black people!

  2. The stereotypical image of a Gypsy / Romany woman has big, gold hoop earrings. Sometimes the men, too. You really, really don’t want to piss of a Romany woman. They carry knives and know how to use them.

  3. Air conditioning? Not invented by Africans.
    Smart phones? Ditto
    9mm? Ditto

    Confiscate them all if we’re playing the cultural appropriation game now. The list of appropriated stuff is endless.

  4. White people are the devil, remember? Therefore white people don’t A) feel bad about themselves and B) feel bad about other people. Blacks can therefore say whatever they please and have it fall on deaf ears.

    Crackers are classified, it’s time for the classifiers to live with their classification.

  5. Oh. And you didn’t invent basketball, football, baseball or tennis. Youve appropriated those, so forget the lucrative salaries.

    We’ll give you soccer. You probably invented that while kicking each other’s decapitated heads around.

  6. Oh hell let’s see…
    Shoes, get rid of those. They were invented where it gets cold
    Pants, you can’t have those either
    aero-planes, stay off ’em, whitey invented those
    Radio and other forms of electronic communications
    Wait, this will be a lot shorter if I list the things you can have that are not appropriations of other people’s labor
    Mud, you can make all the houses you want
    Sticks and branches, have at it. Build yourself a city.
    Rocks and logs, all yours
    Bones, go for it
    Feathers and animal skins, if the birds and animals are OK with it I’m good

  7. The day sociology and all its goofy sub categories (gender studies, urban studies, LBGT studies, ad nauseum) are outlawed is going to be the greatest day ever in the USA. MAGA

  8. OK African ladies, one thing we won’t appropriate of yours is living in a mud hut and carrying a water jug on our heads during the daily trek from the village to the river and back while wearing hoop earrings!

  9. “So, get a horse!”

    Oh no you di’nt!

    That would be Arab appropriation.

    Anything beyond Africa-rooted things (mud huts, malaria, spears, talking an African language and selling each other as slaves, etc.) will now be an appropriation by them.

    They need to walk everywhere dressed in traditional garb and never use white man’s medicine, plus 1000s of other white man inventions, or STFU.

  10. If you black folks are using a cellphone, driving a car, watching television, using central air and heat, refrigerating our food or using any modern day devices, your appropriating white culture. How about you imbeciles just STFU!

  11. @Eternal Cracker 6:29pm – Also, the moslems were HUGE into the slave trade. Still are. Learning history – it’s a beautiful thing. Libtards should try it sometime.

  12. The rhetoric the left throws out at whites is classic psychological warfare, training weak minds to believe they have no right to exist and no business demanding their civil rights be respected. The left has past the point of reasoned debate and are at the point where the only proper way to deal with one directly is a fucking baseball bat to they head. They are fucking scum, and the black ones are the absolute worst because they’re stupid and looking for violence. They’ve got nothing in them to build a strong, functional society, nothing.

  13. Bras and blouses. Sorry, but those are appropriated, too, girls.

    And your Lee Press-Ons and make-up and …..

    It’s a wonder you can afford to live here while you blame us of being so appropriatious. Oh, that’s right — you’ve appropriated Uncle Sam, too.

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