Black Historian Caught Rooting For the Enemy in the War of 1812 – IOTW Report

Black Historian Caught Rooting For the Enemy in the War of 1812

Jason Johnson is a loathsome creature.

He’s stated the National Anthem is racist and pro-slavery because of the rarely heard third verse-

“And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps’ pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave,
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave.”

What is Key stating here?

Hirelings and slaves refer to the British mercenary military as opposed to the American everyday volunteer. This is not pro-slavery. But that’s not my beef with this knobhead. Keep reading.


“Essentially,” says writer and academic Jason Johnson, “Francis Scott Key was happy to see former slaves, who had joined the British as part of their Colonial Marines, getting slaughtered and killed as they attempted to take Baltimore.”

“The entire song sort of leads up to this point,” Johnson adds, “where he’s essentially saying to these terrible, ungrateful, black people, this is the consequence of standing up against the United States.”

“So it’s clearly racist; it’s clearly pro-slavery, but it’s pretty much in line with the kind of man that Francis Scott Key was.”

He points out that Key himself faced the black Colonial Marines in battle. His unit was beaten and humiliated by them.

“His troops were slaughtered so aggressively,” Johnson says, “that he had to run home and hide in Washington DC. … So this was personal for him.”


Get that? This idiot is proud of the blacks that killed our soldiers, and characterizes a patriot as someone who “had to run and hide.”

Who the hell is this bastard rooting for here? Is he fist pumping for the black enemy?

How would it go over if a German-American writer said a song written by a WWII general was “personal for the general” and he was “butthurt because the Germans slaughtered his troops so aggressively he had to run and hide… like a girly man.”

How does a black guy get away with these outrageous statements? Do we judge him on a curve, and forgive him for the retarded things he says and writes and just look the other way, for some odd reason?





26 Comments on Black Historian Caught Rooting For the Enemy in the War of 1812

  1. Just send him a “I’m with her” Hillary t-shirt and let him have his fifteen minutes of fame. That and a sucker punch in the gut to the academic officials who hired him in the first place.

  2. The only way to cut this guy off is to mock him. There is no point trying to argue the errors in his thinking. Mockery is all there is left for someone like that. I’m sure the writers of serious journals don’t get into a tug-of-war with people who submit ridiculous claims based on ridiculous thinking.

    “Oh. Em. Gee! I knew there was something suspicious about the anthem! (narrows eyes) ‘Donzerly’? What’s THAT supposed to mean anyway?!”



  4. Slavery is the tool the weak minded blacks use as a cudgel in every situation where a reasoned argument can’t be made.
    They figure it can be used another couple hundred years or so.

  5. so many concerns about their so-called brothers of 200 years ago yet not a peep about those today who are stuck on the plantations of chicago etc and making babies, aborting most, and shooting those who remain

    disgustingly shameful

  6. “Black identity extremists just can’t stop invoking slavery and are as addicted to it as if it were crack cocaine.”

    Or fried chicken, or watermelon or raping white womenz or welfare or shooting niggaz, shoplifting, chimping, weed, walking in the moddle of the skreet, lotion, saying the word ” nigga,” destroying white civilization.

    Let’s be honest here.

  7. Slavery ended in America over 150 + years ago, get over it. And it was the Republicans, the party of Lincoln that ended it at a cost of over 600,000 plus lives lost on both sides of the Civil War. And the democraps still haven’t got over it and are the party of the destruction of blacks in America i.e. the KKK, Jim Crow laws, restrictions on blacks voting up until the Civil Rights Act of the 1960’s etc. and the only reason civil rights passed is because of the GOP not the democraps who voted against it. Blacks and other minorities need to realize that the democraps don’t give a damn about them except for their votes for a few measly, niggardly crumbs in return. And wasn’t it LBJ who said that he’d have the niggers voting for the democraps for 50 to 100 years or so because of this. the real racists isn’t the GOP people it’s the democraps.

  8. If only they could realize they are blessed descendants (as are we who come from indentured servitude) who paid the price for freedom we now enjoy.

    It is a blessing to remember those before us, where we came from and use those strengths to look to and build for the future.

    Should I look to the English Crown or the landed gentry of the 1600s and 1700s for reparations ?

    Whether our ancestors were black, white, european, asian or other nationality, there were extremely difficult times and great sacrifices. We (their) descendants have reaped the greatest reward.

    Being a citizens of the US is the greatest inheritance in itself. We are Blessed by the sacrifices of others, whether they be of any color, nationality or situation in life.

  9. Not only is The Star-Spangled Banner racist toward Blacks, it also ridicules near-sighted Hispanics. I mean, the very first verse starts out:

    “Jose, can you see…?”

  10. People are sold in Yemen on public streets.
    If Blacks actually gave a shit about slavery, they would be at the Capitol demanding action by the US Military. Or barring that they would start their own militia and go over there and put a stop to it,
    Since all I hear is silence, I conclude that modern Blacks are just opportunistic whiners that want attention.
    They want free stuff, reparations, and special treatment based on suffering that happened to someone they never knew, nor apparently could give a shit about, based on their willingness to allow it to continue happening to their ‘Black Brothers’ who are alive and suffering today.
    I thought Black Lives Mattered.

  11. OK.
    Let’s accept his premise.
    (on the grounds that he’s too stupid to argue with)

    Now, I ask: “So fucking what?”

    The negroes have been sold onto the Demonrat Plantation and are decidedly (by any – ANY – objective standards) worse off now than they were in the 50s. So you claim that a 200 year old song, and some dead dude, whom none of your contemporaries has ever heard of, MAY have expressed some sentiment peculiar to his time? And this is relevant to the plight of negroes presently being slaughtered by socialistic policies, how? This is relevant to negroes whom the socialists have denied their Right to self-defense as expressed in our 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, how?

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    Another “Smoke and Fog” distributor.
    He could have just as easily said: “Keep them nigrahs from considering anything that might help em break their socialist chains.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. “British impressment of American sailors was one of the major causes of the War of 1812. It helped to cause the war because it emphasized the fact that the British did not respect American sovereignty. The British navy had traditionally impressed men off of British ships and out of British port towns.”–wiki

    When a “press gang” hauls you off your ship, or off the street, and forces you to fight for Britain, you’re a slave for all practical purposes. These are the slaves to which Key refers.

  13. I worked in Atlanta for several months last year and listened to “black radio” during my commute. The host of the morning program – Dr. F. Keith Slaughter – explained that standing and honoring our nation’s flag and anthem is the literal equivalent to Hitler’s “seig hiel” salute and when a person does so, they are honoring and affirming White Supremacy.

    It’s really disturbing what is now accepted dogma among Leftists who beat the drum of slavery as call to battle with their own country.

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