Black Lives Matter? Not According To This Black You Tube Commenter – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter? Not According To This Black You Tube Commenter

Yes, many black lives matter.

Yes, many white lives matter.

No, not all black lives matter.

No, not all white lives matter.

22 Comments on Black Lives Matter? Not According To This Black You Tube Commenter

  1. What is the big deal?
    If something happens to the kid she just has to drop trou and she will have a replacement in 9 months. Her welfare check won’t even be cut.

  2. The guy still manages to blame whitey. I mean really, if these sistas would just stop and someone would hold the camera properly and one of the many adults pick up the chiald (he never metions the other kids) and try to stop the fight, and take care of their hood the white racist oppressors would be the sole focus and blame for your effed up lives… dumb dumbs

  3. My first reaction was horror at seeing that baby dropped on the concrete; my next reaction was horro at the number of small children in the crowd witnessing this. For them, it was probably nothing new. This is how they live, and children learn what they live. Horrible. Just horrible. And UNNECESSARY.

  4. Nothing racist at all about anyone commenting on the video. That’s who these primates are. No one can fix these primates as it’s deeply rooted in their DNA. They were made to swing at each other. Just because they came down from the trees, the swinging and brutal behavior never left them. The sooner everyone realizes that these primates can’t be tamed, the better off we as a society will be. They’re doing a good job of killing each other in Chicago. Thousands more to go….

  5. As the father to 2 adopted daughters,we were FBI Background checked, fingerprinted, had to go through home studies pre- and post adoption, had to provide my salary, how much money we have in savings, do we own guns, do we have dogs, do we believe in corporal punishment, etc etc.

    All these hoops to jump through for us but if a birth mom wanted to change her mind after the birth she was allowed too. Even if she was a known drug user with past convictions and they may have even used during pregnancy, she could change her mind and take the child home.

    We are forced to jump through all these hoops but the birth mom has none of these hoops to jump through if in a moment of sorrow she changes her mind, she will be allowed to bring the baby home.

    I’m all for our freedoms and parents to choose how to raise their child as they see fit, but seeing videos like this…..these scratch that….all children deserve better.

    Our govt has created and perpetrated these societies in our midst.

  6. The narrator says this is the fault of “white oppression.”
    Yeah, sure, Like LBJ’s Great Society Program. Look at all those idlers hangin’ around with nothing to do, Just collect their checks, drink gin and Colt .45. and fight Oh, was it a Sunday and they were all home from work ? Enjoying the Lord’s day and relaxing after Church?
    Fucking sickening.

  7. Actually, Anon, zoo animals are better behaved than that.

    Even animals in the wild, unless they are hunting for food, are more civilized than that – and more civilized than muzzies.

  8. A picture of pure, unadulterated despair.

    No God, no hope, no future, no past, no peace, no tranquility, no comfort … only a filthy violent present, mired in the soul-wrenching poverty of spirit which comes from the completely directionless, rudderless, socialist, aimless float down the river of Darkness into the Abyss.

    Thank you, Demonrats!
    You have achieved all you set out to accomplish!

    izlamo delenda est …

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