Black Man Who HATES Cops Learns Valuable Lesson – IOTW Report

Black Man Who HATES Cops Learns Valuable Lesson

Man grieving the loss of his 15-year-old sister is shocked when cop who stopped him for speeding drives him 100 miles home to be with his family

Grieving man touched by Ohio cop's generosity who drove him miles to be with family

Mark Ross has been touched by the kindness of an officer during a traffic stop after he was pulled over in Ohio while rushing to be with family in Michigan after learning about his 15-year-old sister Eliza’s death (his little sister pictured right). Ross was in the passenger seat of a car when he and his family friend, who he had convinced to drive him from Indiana to Detroit, were pulled over for speeding early Sunday. His friend had a suspended driver’s license and was taken into custody leaving Ross stranded without a car but still needing to get to his family. Ross thought he was going to be sent to jail himself for an outstanding misdemeanor warrant, but Sgt David Robison drove him more than 100 miles to Detroit and also prayed for him and his family (Ross and Robison pictured left). ‘Everybody knows how much I dislike Cops but I am truly Greatful (sic) for this Guy. He gave me hope,’ Ross wrote in a Facebook post recounting the touching moment.


11 Comments on Black Man Who HATES Cops Learns Valuable Lesson

  1. I’m sick of this bullshit. It ain’t gonna help. The BLM want’s Sgt. Robinson just as dead as any other LEO. Fuck this bullshit! Let the prick take a bus, a train, or a taxi if you’re not going to lock his ass up on the outstanding warrant. I fucking give up! Is this the type of policing that impresses us?

  2. @Cato I’ll go along with what you say, as a Christian. But let’s not make this SOP, Standard Operating Procedure, in our police departments, as Killary and the DOJ seems to want to do. PS I assume Sgt. Robinson was off duty when he made the 100 mile drive?

  3. Cops have been doing these kinds of things, unsung and unseen, for ages. Its nothing new. In an era when oldntime Irish and Italian and German cops were very mature, old school family men and many were millitary combat vets and children of the depression etc… they had the midas touch with many of the broken toys they routinely encountered. They had a lot more empathy than we were ever lead to believe.

    Those old school guys, the ones that drank in the neighborhood bars and went to the local church etc… were great people.

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