Blank Reality Check – IOTW Report

Blank Reality Check

Stilton’s Place: With the announcement that 25-year old “Reality Winner” (no, really) had been arrested for stealing and leaking top secret documents, it became clear to us that a near and dear friend who was very ill for a very long time had finally been pushed over the brink: we regret to say that Satire is dead.

Because seriously, when a story gets this “in your face” ridiculous – what details are left for us to push to humorous extremes?!

Start with her name: “Reality Winner.” Then let’s tick off the other boxes: more here

8 Comments on Blank Reality Check

  1. lol I’ve been super busy lately and recall seeing that name in a dash past the computer and thinking it referred to somebody on some reality show who claimed some victory. Paired with phrases like “leaked information” it made me go, “Hunnh?” but I had to just keep going.

    It was only just today I finally read the whole thing and figured she must be where Kathy Griffin gets her ideas: do something awful and then when you called on it blame others and declare that consequences is victimization.

  2. Those of us who lived through the sixties/seventies have now come full circle: we see what the sds, the weathermen, and the symbionese liberation army was trying to accomplish.

  3. When do we hear that Mueller, while looking for Ruskies in the Trump Tower Gym bathstalls, instead found clear and unequivocal evidence of pay for play by Hildebeast and Willie…. on a grand scale? Or that Barky really wasn’t born in Hawaii?

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