Blind Guy Who Sold Handmade Brooms At Post Office For Decades Suddenly Gets Swept Away – IOTW Report

Blind Guy Who Sold Handmade Brooms At Post Office For Decades Suddenly Gets Swept Away


…a U.S. Postal Service spokeswoman said Richter’s broom sales don’t fall under the “Vending Facility” program authorized by the Randolph-Sheppard Act. In an email statement, Mary Dando provided IndyStar an overview of the program.

Jim Richter sells brooms, Monday at the corner of 71st

The questions she could not answer — and the ones that still puzzle Richter and his supporters — is why the Broom Guy had been allowed to sell brooms at post offices for decades, and what prompted the agency’s sudden change of position regarding Richter in February.

Richter said the employee who informed him he was no longer allowed on post office property said there had been a complaint about him. When he asked who had complained and the specific concern, Richter said the postal official refused to say.

IndyStar called the Indianapolis postmaster to get more information on the dispute, but was directed back to Dando. She said she is the correct Postal Service spokesperson, but she did not respond to Richter’s claim that the employee treated him in a rude and unprofessional way.

Richter said he also has tried to call the Indianapolis postmaster, but couldn’t get through, either. He said he may now file a complaint with federal postal officials in Washington, D.C.

His gripe, Richter stressed, is only with the woman who gave him the boot.

“I kind of got the impression this was a personal vendetta,” he said. “It is no reflection on all the other post office employees who been so good to me over the years — just the one who acted like the north end of a horse running south.”

ht/ farmwife

9 Comments on Blind Guy Who Sold Handmade Brooms At Post Office For Decades Suddenly Gets Swept Away

  1. One of these blind guys came to my place of work selling those brooms. Feeling sorry for the guy, I purchased a broom from him. That was over 30+ years ago and I still have the broom and it’s still in great condition. At least this guy is working, I wish they’d give these homeless people who sit outside the PO here the boot. All they do is sit around with their dogs, smoke and sometimes pass out and pee all over themselves. Ugh!

  2. We had a blind man in my town who owned a broom shop for many years. A good man, and he was missed when he passed. He sold a LOT of brooms, back when the manufacturing base was still strong.

  3. The U S government is giving thousands of dollars per month to get leeches from the middle east, who are feral, inbred, unskilled, undisciplined, dishonest, and full of hate, to come to this country to vote for democrats. The government should at least be willing to flex a little bit to help out a decent and needy disabled American. Fire all those at the Post Office who were behind this decision. They, not the blind guy, belong on the streets.

  4. God help the man or woman trying to make ends meet under obama’s policies. He will soon be audited by the IRS, found to not have reported all his income and fined. He’ll lose his income and his home.
    When you hear, “I’m from the government”, you’re damn sure not getting any help. Just bend over and grab your ankles while taking out your wallet.

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