BLM/ANTIFA Mob Member Who Was Injured While Defacing a Confederate Monument is Now in Coma, May Die – IOTW Report

BLM/ANTIFA Mob Member Who Was Injured While Defacing a Confederate Monument is Now in Coma, May Die


Protester Chris Green was taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital on Wednesday night after a piece of the confederate statue fell on his head at a Portsmouth, Va. riot. He flatlined twice on his way to the hospital, and has remained in critical condition ever since.

Green’s wife, Tonieh Brisbane-Green is worried about her husband and admonished the recklessness of the Black Lives Matter rioters who attended the rally.

Tonieh said that she supported the protests “but do it in a peaceful manner. There was no need to do all of that especially while there were so many people around that statue knowing that somebody’s going to get hurt.” She added that doctors “were surprised he even made it because that thing [the statue] is so heavy.”

“I just feel like I’m in a dream right now. Like, I just need to be pinched to wake up and everything will go back to normal,” Tonieh said.

Tonieh described how she believes her husband was an innocent bystander, and the rowdy nature of the crowd made it difficult for him to receive medical attention immediately following his injury.

“So he didn’t even see it coming, like, ‘Oh, let me move out of the way,’” Tonieh said. “And then I heard it was hard for the ambulance to even get to because of the crowds.”


Innocent bystander??

Ummmm, I’M an innocent bystander, yet, because I’m white I am indicted by the very movement your “innocent” husband was supporting.

Sorry for your loss, but GFY.

ht/ fdr in hell

67 Comments on BLM/ANTIFA Mob Member Who Was Injured While Defacing a Confederate Monument is Now in Coma, May Die

  1. Too bad….so sad. I can’t feel sorry for him. He is among the enemy combatants that must be completely defeated! The problem is very few of us are are on the same page. I know most of us here are, but we need the whole damn country, or at least three quarters of the country.

  2. Does anyone have the link to where you donate to the CHAZ?

    I would like to do my part to keep that Charlie Foxtrot going right through the second Tuesday in November.

  3. I think JDHasty is right. We need to donate just enough to keep these idiots going. Have you seen the videos of these absolute incompetents. They need to put up cameras and livestream these morons. Talk about an embarrassment to the rest of humanity.

  4. “If you don’t know your history your doomed to repeat it.”
    “If you don’t want to respect your history and tear it down, then your doomed to be crushed by it.”

  5. @JDHasty – just walk up to the CHAZ barricades and flash some green. They’ll be happy to take it – and your wallet, phone, car keys, shoes, pants, shirt, and, possibly your life.

    Remember to mention the secret Durkan code phrase: “Love Summer.”

  6. JDHasty, Scott Adams says the Mayor is handling it perfectly, infantilizing the Chazist Entity dervishes and smothering them with grandma’s cookie kindness. I think he is right. I also think she has no fookin’ clue that she is actually doing this. Whatever. Give them all the porta-potties they need. Make them comfortable. Hell, give them a few more blocks to govern.

    Durkan says this could be a Summer of Love for them. I’m more of a Beach Boys guy, so I hope it’s an Endless Summer running into Cold November. Hard.

  7. I googled who gives a shit. (Actually Duck Duck Go)
    My name wasn’t there.

    Possible Darwin award winner, at least honorable mention.
    Maybe an award winning competition, for protesters, to be Darwin Award winners.
    Just need a few to get the ball rolling.

    Think of how much money that would save the court system.

  8. So, Ms. Durkan (who would marry her? – skip it, I don’t want to know!) claims CHAZ is just a “block party.” I guess that explains why Gov. Dim Bulb Inslee didn’t know about it – because no one wants him at their party. Or, uh, *cough* he’s been tipped-off that the Fed’s are coming and is planting “plausible ignorance” to protect himself.

  9. Karma is a bitch sometimes and he won’t be the last to be bit. I’m sorry I have a hard time feeling sorry for the adults out there being idiots. I do feel sorry for their families who have to sit back and watch them be idiots. I do feel sorry for the kids who are dragged out by their parents to this shit.

    Someone sent me this link, more stupidity at it’s finest. Cherokees owned slaves, wasn’t that long ago when the freemen were being fought in court, yet let’s remove something that has been there since 1918 because people don’t like them. Oh and guess what many Cherokees fought on the side of the Confederates, so you’re removing your own history.

  10. Ah shit! I should have tuned in earlier…it’s bed time now, I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to have my celebratory cocktail…maybe a BLOODY MARY (no pun intended) for Breakfast!

  11. “He flatlined twice on his way to the hospital”

    …no he didn’t. “Flatlined” is dead, NO electrical activity, nothing that can be cardioverted/recovered. You CAN have fine ventricular fibrillation which IS a shockable rhythm that can also be addressed with various cardioactive drugs, but if you’re trying to cardiovert a truly flatline patient, you are a) abusing a corpse, b) going to have your license pulled when the trace gets reviewed, and c) doomed to fail.

    Flatline and fine V-Fib are NOT the same thing. Accuracy in reporting is something the Left lacks, let’s not JOIN them…

  12. “Tonieh described how she believes her husband was an innocent bystander…”

    …You know how I avoid situations like this?

    I don’t go to riots.

    Why did HE?

    …probably NOT for the fresh air and sunshine, just sayin’…

  13. “And then I heard it was hard for the ambulance to even get to because of the crowds.”

    …yup, pretty hard to get uniformed City services into places where everyone is hating on uniformed City services, so maybe don’t jump everyone wearing a badge in VA whenever someone gets kneeled on by a corrupt cop in MN who’s enforcing a mob hit on someone who robbed their common Mob boss and is in jail for it ALREADY, and you won’t have this problem in the FIRST place…

  14. That’s why we have the vote. So if you don’t like some statue, vote in folks amenable to your dreams. They will pay city workers to take down your statues.
    Those guys go to safety meetings

  15. …dude’s pretty jacked up if his head injury is causing caediac arrhythmias and EMD anyways. Not a great sign, just sayin’…

    …because the root cause is neurological and not truly cardiac, there’s not a fuckton you can do in the field about it beyond hyperventilation and avoiding bulk enhancing fluids like lactated Ringer’s that increase intercranial pressure when trying to manage blood loss from the initial head wound. You can cardiovert as needed, but since the problem is the brain, it’s just gonna dissociate again, maybe in a different way, so some drug therapies may not make sense either. Squads don’t usually carry whole blood so bulk enhancement will be mostly from saline, which can keep pressure up, but doesn’t carry oxygen. This means dude’s stuttering heart isn’t moving oxygenated blood even when it DOES run, starving an already physically damaged brain and also sensitve organs like the liver, kidneys, and heart itself.

    Might have had a better shot with a medical helicopter and flight surgeon, but again these are the tools of civilized men who can cooperate to help save a downed fellow human that can’t be used when crowds devolve to savagery.

    The short version is that this guy’s not coming back unless God WANTS him back. They probably would have parted a guy like this out already in normal circumstances, they’re just keeping HIM plugged in so a Black man doesn’t die during a riot and they turn to attack the hospital for imagined racism and weekend fun as well…

  16. If he’s going to be in a coma for the rest of his life, my Petey B and I will volunteer our elastic starfish bleaching services and bleach his unbleached elastic starfish on a weekly basis free of charge!

    “But Chasten’s Unbleached Elastic Starfish. How do you know he doesn’t already bleach his potentially unbleached elastic starfish?” Because men who are married to women don’t bleach their unbleached elastic starfishes unless they secretly hard ram bleach or unbleached elastic starfishes thilly goose!

    I currently don’t bleach my unbleached elastic starfish because my Petey B prefers that natural unbleached elastic starfish look.

  17. PJ
    JUNE 13, 2020 AT 12:58 AM
    “I pray he made peace with God.”

    …you’re a better prayer warrior than I, PJ. I did pray for him on another thread that he may survive and have thus as a Damascus Road moment and perhaps come to God because of it, or at least recover for the sake of his family; but while the Spirit gave me the words, the man of flesh wasn’t feeling it. I know the Lord wants His children back, all of them, but I still sometimes wrestle with praying for someone’s salvation when they are engaged in ungodly and stupid acts against my serving brothers and sisters while also hating me and mine because of my skin color.

    I may pray for him, and his family especially, and for my Lord’s sake and because He commands it…but I shan’t weep for him…

  18. Ramona
    JUNE 13, 2020 AT 12:08 AM
    “I want to know how to pronounce ‘Tonieh’. Tony? Tone-ey?”

    …just pronounce it the way you would imagine they would in Swahili, even though you know nothing about Swahili, didn’t reearch Swahili, and Swahili isn’t even a language slaves imported from Africa to America would have spoken.

    …because that’s EXACTLY what THEY do.

  19. Thirdtwin
    JUNE 13, 2020 AT 12:28 AM

    “…Durkan says this could be a Summer of Love for them. I’m more of a Beach Boys guy, so I hope it’s an Endless Summer running into Cold November. Hard.”

    Best case, even if they DON’T kill each other first..

    “Dionysus: Bringer of Love
    “I bring love to give you solace
    In the darkness of the night,
    In the Heart’s eternal light.
    You need only trust your feelings;
    Only love can steer you right.
    I bring laughter, I bring music,
    I bring joy and I bring tears.
    I will soothe your primal fears.
    Throw off those chains of reason
    And your prison disappears.”
    The cities were abandoned,
    And the forests echoed song.
    They danced and lived as brothers;
    They knew love could not be wrong.
    Food and wine they had aplenty
    And they slept beneath the stars.
    The people were contented
    And the gods watched from afar.
    But the winter fell upon them
    And it caught them unprepared,
    Bringing wolves and cold starvation,
    And the hearts of men despaired.”
    -Rush, “Hemispheres II. Apollo / Dionysus”

  20. “Might have had a better shot with a medical helicopter and flight surgeon, but again these are the tools of civilized men who can cooperate to help save a downed fellow human that can’t be used when crowds devolve to savagery”
    Could we have called in a couple of gunships to prep the LZ before sending in the medical? That would have made tactical sense when dealing with a potentially hot LZ, either that or prepped it with a mortar barrage and WP for smoke cover? Asking as an academic point.

  21. Milo Mindbender
    JUNE 13, 2020 AT 8:15 AM
    ““Might have had a better shot with a medical helicopter and flight surgeon, but again these are the tools of civilized men who can cooperate to help save a downed fellow human that can’t be used when crowds devolve to savagery”
    Could we have called in a couple of gunships to prep the LZ before sending in the medical? That would have made tactical sense when dealing with a potentially hot LZ, either that or prepped it with a mortar barrage and WP for smoke cover? Asking as an academic point.”

    …I was on LZ detail a couple of times for our AirCare flights. Mostly we had heavily weighted traffic cones, a flag to indicate ground wind, and flashlights and flares for night landings. Didn’t have any mortars in the cabinets on the heavy rescue truck, and we DID have access to a sheriff’s helicopter with s one-man crew that was at first a Vietnam surplus Hughes OH-6 that DID have launch tubes on it, but they wouldn’t sell the Sheriff anything to put IN them. Again, these operations were for CIVILIZED men, and we could usually walk up to looky-lous in our turnouts and sternly ask them to leave, and they’d leave.

    …our Air Care pilots wouldn’t have minded, though. Most at the time were ALSO Vietnam veterans, and hot zones wouldn’t be new to THEM, althogh the flight surgeon and flight nurse would probably balk at it. I talked to these guys a couple of times on LZ while waiting for medical crew and patient to return (pilots didn’t go to the actual scene, they tended the ship that was sometimes left running and “hot loaded”, and they were mostly bored with civilian rules and no one shooting at them. One of them told me he kind of preferred when no one set up an LZ so he could go to the nearest Kroger’s, find a likely-sized patch of parking lot, and use the downdraft of the rotors to blow all the shopping carts out from under him in a 360 degree sprial of bucketing bumper busters, for which the municipality concerned usually paid. Incredulous shoppers usually stared a moment, but gave way, because it was incredibly noisy, pretty well marked what it was, and operating in a civilized society.

    One time we picked out driveway as an LZ that had probably more slant than the ship should have had, but the pilot didn’t reject just ’cause he appreciated the challenge. He made in in and out all right, but said he had a tilt indicator of some kind and, if it went off, they’d have to flatbed the ship out of our driveway and to a hangar for evaluation.

    They were brave in other ways, too. We had one variant helicopter, don’t know what it was, that loaded from the back so the cot and patient had to be swung out towards the tail rotor on a fairly short boom, which was usually running for a rapid departure. When the medical crew and my agency were loading, the pilot was playing Catcher in the Rye with his BACK to the whirring tail rotor so he could redirect people not paying attention because they were focused on other things. I once asked one pilot what he’d do if a swinging cot or bulky FD nebbish pushed him into the rotor. “Die”, wad his one-word response.

    Brave guys, but bravery isn’t enough for a sucessful civilian Medivac where you are supposed to be doing the OPPOSITE of killing fools. Again, like the Constitution, these are tools for civilized people, and will not work for any other.


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