BLM Could Lose Charity Status For ‘Clear Violation’ of IRS Rules – IOTW Report

BLM Could Lose Charity Status For ‘Clear Violation’ of IRS Rules

It was also revealed last month that top Democratic operatives, including Clinton crony lawyer Marc Elias, had taken top leadership positions in BLM. –more here

13 Comments on BLM Could Lose Charity Status For ‘Clear Violation’ of IRS Rules

  1. “BLM Could Lose Charity Status For ‘Clear Violation’ of IRS Rules”

    …They could…
    …But they won’t…
    …Because, Black…
    …And anyone who doesn’t like it be rayciss.

  2. Never gonna happen, their a wonderful organization, a beautiful organization, a magnificent organization, a proud American organization… just need some good tax advice.

  3. The day after L Lerner goes to hail for disclosing conservative tax info. AND ONLY CONSERVaTIVE TAX INFO!

    UNIPARTY has been protecting UNIPARTY for 33 years. And done a good job. NO UNIPARTY criminal has been punished; many have been rewarded!


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