Bloomberg poll: 22% of Sanders Supporters Will Back Trump, 18% To Go To Johnson – IOTW Report

Bloomberg poll: 22% of Sanders Supporters Will Back Trump, 18% To Go To Johnson


A June 14th Bloomberg Politics national poll of likely voters in November’s election found that barely half of those who favored Sanders — 55 percent — plan to vote for Clinton. Instead, 22 percent say they’ll vote for Trump, while 18 percent favor Libertarian Gary Johnson. “I’m a registered Democrat, but I cannot bring myself to vote for another establishment politician like Hillary,” says Laura Armes, a 43-year-old homemaker from Beeville, Texas, who participated in the Bloomberg poll and plans to vote for Trump. “I don’t agree with a lot of what Trump says. But he won’t owe anybody. What you see is what you get.”

Conversations with two dozen Sanders supporters revealed a lingering distrust of Clinton as too establishment-friendly, hawkish or untrustworthy. As some Sanders fans see it, the primary was not a simple preference for purity over pragmatism, but a moral choice between an honest figure and someone whom they consider fundamentally corrupted by the ways of Washington. Sanders has fed these perceptions throughout his campaign, which is one reason he’s having a hard time coming around to an endorsement.

Voters like Armes, who says she’ll “definitely” vote in November, highlight the difficulty Clinton faces in unifying her party. Clinton’s paltry support among Sanders voters could still grow, as his disheartened fans process the hard-fought primary campaign. But the Bloomberg poll found that only 5 percent of Sanders supporters who don’t currently back Clinton would consider doing so in the future.

16 Comments on Bloomberg poll: 22% of Sanders Supporters Will Back Trump, 18% To Go To Johnson

  1. The headlines come general election polls will be Clinton 48%, Trump 47%, the exit polls will be the same. The final results may vary, but only because of a vast right wing conspiracy.

  2. I don’t see Sanders getting out until the convention, if then. He has to see that Hillary will develope either health problems or her legal problems as this email affair continues to grow. He is probably trying to strategize his battle with Biden as much as Hillary. Don’t quite yet Bernie. GO TRUMP!

  3. @geeknerd:
    it’s easy to sway an impressionable mind, especially if their camp abandons due to a ‘rigged’ system that Bernie and Trump both parrot; I imagine the same thing on the libertarian side, I don’t follow that circus.

  4. He appeals to many Sanders supporters because Sanders is against the bad trade deals and treaties that have cut millions of jobs in the U.S. That’s how conservative Trump is. It is quintessentially conservative to put Americans and their interests first. That is the waters’ edge of Trump’s agreement with Crazy Bernie’s platform.

    Nice Try, geeknerd. And your comment was so prosaic, too. Darn!

  5. arthur coleman, we care because many will stay home (not vote for hillary), or jump on the trump wagon as protest vote or because of the jobs platform

    both cases are bad for crooked hillary, good for trump

  6. @: — You’re welcome. Pretty interesting, huh? Did you go to the statistical predictions done with the data in the primaries? This is why I don’t worry about CNN, FNC, CBS, ABC, etc. polling numbers. Even their exit polling was off for some strange reason….. 😉

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