Blue States To Lose House Seats – Texas Picks Up Two – IOTW Report

Blue States To Lose House Seats – Texas Picks Up Two


The Census Bureau on Monday released state population totals that determine each state’s number of House seats, with just seven seats moving among 13 states — the smallest shift since the current congressional apportionment model was adopted in the 1940s.

Texas was the biggest winner, gaining two House seats. Colorado, Montana, Oregon, Florida and North Carolina each gained one seat.

The losses were concentrated in the industrial Midwest, with Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio each losing a seat. Democratic strongholds California and New York each lost a seat. Census officials said New York would not have lost its seat if 89 more people lived in the state. More

6 Comments on Blue States To Lose House Seats – Texas Picks Up Two

  1. Was thinking about this when I heard it driving around this morning.

    That’s just the result as of the 2020 census. Showing the damage/migration that happened PRIOR to 2020. That census was WAY before any lock-down effect came into play.

    You know it’s even more so like this right now with the plandemic’s effect over the last year. Fewer reps for the blues and even more for the reds after 2020 ended – and growing more so every day the Dem tyrants force their will on their populaces.

    Too bad we have to wait 10 years to see what it really is. The Dems should feel lucky right now.

  2. Of course the democrat controlled states will redistrict in a way that eliminates house seats held by republicans. Still, with Texas picking up two seats and Florida, Montana and N. Carolina picking up seats, this should easily flip the house (and Pelosi).


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