Blue Wave BS exposed: Dems showing signs of far more stress than Republicans – IOTW Report

Blue Wave BS exposed: Dems showing signs of far more stress than Republicans

American Thinker:

It looks like even die-hard Democrats are not buying the media propaganda about a Blue Wave sweeping them to power in the House and maybe the Senate. If they believed Nate Silver’s prediction of an 85% probability of taking over the House and putting Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Maxine Waters in charge, why would we be seeing this from NBC News?

According to a poll conducted by YouGov and commissioned by the fitness site Daily Burn, Democrats are 50 percent more likely than Republicans to say they’re “eating their feelings” as a result of the current political climate. They’re also drinking more (a 2-to-1 ratio over their GOP counterparts).

Now, it may be the Democrats simply act out on their anxieties more than Republicans, which would reinforce the stereotype of poor personal discipline —  MORE

16 Comments on Blue Wave BS exposed: Dems showing signs of far more stress than Republicans

  1. You see a lot of leftists on Twitter shrieking “There are more of us than there are of them!!11!!” They can’t allow themselves to believe otherwise. Next Tuesday night, I expect there’ll be a lot of weepy, suicidal, snot-bubbling libtard videos bemoaning the Nazi takeover. Should be fun! 😀

  2. Some DNC Vice chair I never heard of was just on Fox talking about how one of their big focal points is “job creation”. Really? How are you going to out-create what DJT is doing in that regard, while increasing taxes and regulations on everyone?

  3. Are the smellocrats lying once again ?
    Is the msm lying ?
    Are the pollsters lying as usual ?

    We’ll know soon.

    Tuesday night they’ll be wailing their unbridled insanity for all to see.
    Be sure to record it
    It’ll be a memorable spectacle.

    Nancy, Maxine,
    maybe Hillary will join in

    And there will be Threats !

  4. Every election they lose will be due to “Russians and voter id” which will send them to the left wing courts en masse.
    I am worried. There are just too many stupid people in this country who fall for the oprahs, hollywood and the obama b/s. Too many races that should be easy wins for conservs are neck and neck.

  5. They started eating their feelings the day after Trump was elected. Barbra Streisand has been complaining about it since then and she even put out a Resistance album recently and updated some of her classics.

    You Don’t Bring Me Donuts
    People, People Who Need Pizzas
    The Way We Were … Before Trump

  6. The Conservatives/GOP/Republicans can’t slow down for one minute. Stay on the phones, offer rides to polling stations,volunteer to be poll station scrutineers, Candidates need to press the flesh and hold small Townhalls, checkbooks need to remain open, adtime needs to be bought. Take nothing for granted regardless of what the press and pundits say.
    Think of what Trump can do with a solid Senate and Congress behind him. Hell, it may even force the Democrat Party to cleanse itself of the radical element that has taken over.

  7. Once you understand that stress, and fear, and uncertainty,and paranoia are what you are meant to feel at the hands of the Left and the MSM you become immune. It’s been that way since Vietnam was in the news and won’t change even though it won’t work anymore.


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